light-independent reactions

Cards (5)

  • the reactions produce complex organic molecules such as
    starch for storage
    sucrose for transport
    cellulose for making cell walls
  • the light independent reactions do not require energy from light but do require ATP and reduced NADP from the light-dependent reactions
  • carbon dioxide and RuBP are combined
    • carbon dioxide combines with a 5C sugar (RuBP) in a reaction catalysed by the enzyme rubisco
    • the resulting 6-carbon (6C) compound is unstable and splits in 2
    • this results in 2 molecules of a 3C compound known as glycerate 3-phosphate (GP)
    • the carbon dioxide has been 'fixed' meaning that it has been removed from the external environment and become part of a molecule inside the plant cell
  • reduction of glycerate 3-phosphate
    • energy from ATP and hydrogen from reduced NADP used to reduce the 2 molecules of GP to two 3C molecule (GALP)
    • some carbons in GALP go towards production of useful organic molecules such as glucose, the rest remain in the calvin cycle to allow regeneration of RuBP
    • 2 molecules of GALP contain 6 carbon atoms, 5 of which are needed to regenerate RuBP so for every turn through calvin cycle only 1/6 of a molecule of glucose is produced
    • glucose is a 6-carbon molecule, so six turns of the calvin cycle are required to produce one molecule of glucose
  • regeneration of ribulose bisphosphate
    • 5/6 of the GALP molecules used to regenerate RuBP
    • this process requires ATP