
Cards (76)

  • al = to the (masculine singular)
  • ai = to the (masculine plural)
  • andiamo = let's go
  • capisco = understand (I)
  • chiama = call (she/he/it)
  • chiamo = call (I)
  • cosa = what
  • credo = believe (I)
  • cucchiaio = spoon
  • decide = decides
  • diventa =becomes
  • entra = enter (she/he/it)
  • fai = make/do (you)
  • hanno = have (they)
  • lasciamo = leaves (we)
  • lavorano = work (they)
  • lavoro = work (I)
  • metto = put (I)
  • orologio = time/watch
  • parla = talks (she/he/it)
  • parli = speak (you)
  • passi = pass (you)
  • passo = pass (I)
  • pensano = think (they)
  • perch`e = why
  • porto = bring (I)
  • potete = can you
  • prendi = take (you)
  • quale = which (singular)
  • quali = which (plural)
  • quanta = how much (feminine)
  • quante = how many (feminine)
  • quanti = how many (base masculine)
  • quanto = how much (base masculine)
  • ricetta = recipe
  • ricordo = remember (I)
  • sa = know (she/he/it)
  • sento = hear (I)
  • trovo = find (I)
  • usiamo = use (we)