Long-range messengers secreted into blood by endocrine glands in response to appropriate signal, exerting effect on target cells some distance away from release site
Hydrophilic hormones dissolved in plasma, bound to specific carrier proteins<|>Lipophilic steroids and thyroid hormones bound to plasma proteins like albumin<|>Catecholamines 50% circulate as free hormones, 50% loosely bound to albumin
Effective plasma concentration affected by hormone's rate of secretion, metabolic activation/inactivation, binding to plasma proteins, rate of removal from circulation, and responsiveness of target cell receptors
Located in the center of the brain, secretes melatonin to regulate circadian rhythm. Suprachiasmatic nucleus and melanopsin also involved in circadian regulation.
Involved in lactation, nurturing of young, reproduction, osmoregulation, growth, metabolism, water drive, metamorphosis, and behavioral effects in birds and mammals
Genetic determination of maximum growth capacity, adequate diet, freedom from chronic disease/stress, and normal levels of growth-influencing hormones like insulin, thyroid, and steroids.