western rebellion

Cards (11)

  • Prayer book rebellion
    Introduction of moderate book of common prayer - 1547 william body in local areas who was proterjay of cromwell. Disliked his presence
  • Causes of Western rebellion
    • Sheep tax
    • Bad harvest
    • Cornish had distinguished identity
  • Western countries elites
    • Unwilling to take action against the rebellion to support the government
  • Humphrey arudndell
    Skilled tactician and commander
  • Robert welsh

    Vicar in exeter
  • Events of June 1549

    1. Mainly meet in sampford courteney - 10 june 1549
    2. Meet in bodmin
    3. Towards exeter 2 july - 6th august
  • Articles of the commons - mid-June 1549

    • End changes to ceremonies eg baptism
    • Restore 6 articles - heretical to deny transubstantiation
    • Catholic traditions images purgatory
    • Cardinal pole out of exile and go into government
    • Address social and economic grievances related to land tenure
  • Events of July - August 1549
    1. 2000 men laid siege to the largest city in the area. Exeter. Lasting 6 weeks
    2. Lord russel arrived with an army of 8000 well armed and ruthless general massacre
    3. They attacked the rebels in august 1549 and killed more than 4000 in a general massacre
    4. Robert welsh and humphrey arundell executed
  • Government response
    Saw demands as very conservative and a return to catholicism<|>Cranmer enraged by what he saw as insubordination of the masses<|>Rebels defeated at sampford courteny<|>Sent in officials to investigate enclosure which ends up causing greater social resentment between labourers and landowners and the government
  • Reasons for failure
    • No clear achievable aimed- demanded things gov couldnt grant
    • Rebel leadership slope allowed themselves to be bogged down in siege of exeter
  • Historical interpretations
    • John guy - 'closest thing to class welfare'
    • Ap pollar' social tensions heart of rebellion gentry is enemy
    • Fellows - link between rebels legious greivences and their attack on the gentery