breif overview

Cards (12)

  • Social tensions still simmering from Henry VIII (Pilgrimage of Grace)
  • Unpopular acts (sheep tax, vagrancy act) were repealed
  • 1549 can be argued as the worst year of the Tudor period
  • Government brought in greater censorship and gave local authorities more power
  • Causes of Rebellions
    • Religion
    • Agrarian and social grievances (report of riots and uprooting enclosures)
    • Taxation
  • Rebellions lacked support
  • Decisive actions from nobility, e.g. Earl of Arundel in Sussex
  • Also rebellions occurred in Cambridgeshire
  • Roger Turvey
    1549 rebellions were not so much social, economic or religious, mainly to do with succession, landowning political nation were concerned about having a child king and fear of him being succeeded by a female monarch
  • Religious change
    Impact of change was short and profound, English population subjected to too much religious change too quickly, disorientating and confusing
  • When examining the 1549 rebellions

    It is surprising that there weren't more disruptions
  • Somerset government

    Found it difficult to cope, the rebellions of 1549 helped bring aristocracy government and gentry together