
Cards (4)

  • Theoretical Hawthorne effect
    presence of researcher may change behaviour if the group. May be more significant if the researcher isn’t participating as participants will be more aware they’re being watched.
    examole of this comes from Kings research called “ man in the wendy house
    • initially king sat in the back of the classroom and refused when children asked him for held to be unobtrusive king used Wendy house to hide from kids
  • Theoretical - Lack of verstehen
    info gained from non-participant observation may be superficial the researcher doesn’t experience life as one of the group, they’re unable to gain a true understanding of their behaviour. They are unable to gain verstehen, which is something interpretivists see as important.
    1. Theoretical – Not as in-depth as PO
    Non-participant observation may prevent the researcher from gaining in-depth information about the group being studied. A bond is unlikely to be created between the researcher and the group and therefore they are less likely to confide in the researcher as they will be seen as an outsider.
  • Ethical – Participating in deviant and illegal behaviour
    • non-participant observation reduces the likelihood of the researcher taking part in illegal and deviant behaviour, the researcher is spending a great deal of time with the group, they still may get drawn into unethical activities.
    • Parker found himself in the position of engaging in criminal activity (receiving stolen goods