bubble gas through limewater, if CO2 present, white precipitate is formed
Hydrogen H2
colourless and odourless
place a burning splint near the mouth of the test tube, if hydrogen is present, burning splint is extinguished with a pop sound
Oxygen O2
colourless and odourless
place a glowing splint near the mouth of the test tube, if oxygen is present, the glowing splint relights
Ammonia NH3
colourless and pungent
place a piece of damp red litmus paper near the mouth of the test tube, if ammonia is present, damp red litmus paper turns blue
Sulfur dioxide SO2
colourless and pungent
place a piece of filter paper soaked in acidified potassium manganate (VII) near the mouth of the test tube, if sulfur dioxide is present, purple acidified potassium manganate (VII) turns colourless
Chlorine Cl2
yellow green and pungent
place a piece of damp blue litmus paper near the mouth of the test tube, if chlorine is present, damp blue litmus paper turns red and becomes bleached