Visualize gestational sac in uterus at 4-5 weeks gestation
Threatened Abortion
Normal gestational sac and viable embryo, cervix remains closed, patient has symptoms of bleeding, maybe cramps, risk for recurrent bleed, preterm premature rupture of membranes, preterm labor
Inevitable Spontaneous Abortion
Bleeding with cervical dilation, symptoms of back/abdominal pain indicating impending abortion, products of conception have not passed from uterine cavity
Incomplete Spontaneous Abortion
Passage of some but not all products of conception from uterine cavity, symptoms of bleeding/cramping ongoing until all is expelled, severe pain, heavy bleeding, medical evaluation and possible surgical procedure
Missed Abortion
Cervix is closed and products of conception remain in situ, pregnancy has been retained in uterus after embryonic/fetal demise, maybe cramping/bleeding, asymptomatic
Anembryonic Pregnancy (Blighted Ovum)
Presents like missed/threatened abortion
Septic Abortion
Intrauterine infection involving endometrium/products of conception, symptoms include fever, chills, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, malodorous vaginal discharge
Workup for Septic Abortion
Endocervical cultures
Blood culture
Abdominal X-ray
Pelvic ultrasound
Treatment for Septic Abortion
Hospitalization, broad spectrum antibiotics, dilation and curettage (D&C)