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Cards (22)

  • Comprehensive treatment for the heart
    Deny the self of its desires<|>Enjoin hunger<|>Keep worship vigilance in the night<|>Be silent<|>Meditate in private
  • Characteristics of good people to keep company with
    • Possess sincerity
    • Emulated in their states and statements
  • Refuge
    In the One unto whom all affairs return
  • This comprehensive treatment is the most beneficial for all the previous diseases
  • You are like a man drowning or someone lost in a barren desert
    See no source of succor except from the Guardian, possessor of the greatest power
  • The Guardian
    The One who responds to the call of the distressed
  • Imam Mawlud's approach in offering the cures for these diseases is like the story of the Gordian Knot
  • Diseases of the heart are like the Gordian Knot, and the best way to treat them is to cut through them
  • One's faith is not complete until his desires do not conflict with the message the Prophet was given
  • Severing the bonds of slavery to the whims of the soul leads to happiness
  • Without discipline, religion is impossible
  • Gluttony and lust are founded upon natural inclinations of hunger and sexual attraction
  • The stomach is the source of one's primary impulse
  • If one can learn to control the desire for food, other issues of disciplines begin to fall into place
  • Gluttony is the fuel for lust, and fasting breaks gluttony
  • The caloric intake of an average American far exceeds what is needed for physiological wellbeing
  • The disbeliever eats with seven intestines, while the believer eats with one
  • People nowadays consume much more food than ever before, especially meat
  • Snacking has become so common now that many do not go for more than a few hours without consuming something
  • The combination of overeating and breakdown of table manners impairs one's ability to build fortitude
  • One can rob Ramadan of an important benefit by overeating at night in order to make up for what was missed during the day
  • Hunger
    One of the comprehensive treatments for the heart