ILR Evaluation

Cards (8)

  • P: contract not binding unless there’s intent to enter a legal relationship
    KT: fairness, flexibility, freedom of contract
    CA: difficult to prove the intention of parties
    C: challenging to achieve this flexibility
  • Sadler v Reynolds
    P: burden is on whoever wants the agreement to be binding
    KT: flexibility
    CA: uncertainty
    C: different relationships, unclear where to start
  • Jones v Padvatton
    P: good relationship supports not binding presumption
    KT: relationships change quickly
    CA: contract built on trust
    C: uncertain but fair
  • Rose and Frank v Crompton
    P: words can indicate it is not binding
    KT: both sides freely agreed to terms
    CA: business agreements are binding
    C: freedom of contract but uncertain
  • Jones v Vernon Pools
    P: words can indicate not binding
    KT: large inequality of bargaining power
    CA: courts upholding agreed terms
    C: freedom of contract vs unfairness
  • Balfour v Balfour
    P: man worked overseas and promised money periodically
    KT: outdated, sexist and unfair decision
    CA: the onus was on Mrs Balfour who didn’t rebut the presumption
    C: unfairness but certain
  • Esso v CCE, Kleinwort Benson v MMC
    P: shouldn’t make false agreements, letter of comfort not binding
    KT: clear disconnect between the cases
    CA: Kleinwort Benson should have had lawyers check the letter
    C: unfairness, certainty
  • P: social agreements are presumed to be not binding
    KT: certainty, no fear of legal repercussions
    CA: uncertainty
    C: certainty vs uncertainty