A clear, yellowish fluid that surrounds a developing baby
during pregnancy
Amniotic sac
A sac that develops inside the uterus during pregnancy and is
in which the baby grows
Asexual reproduction
Reproduction that involves only one parent and
produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent
The opening to the uterus
The deliberate use of methods or techniques to prevent
Egg cell
The femalesex cell
The name given to a developing baby in the very early stages of pregnancy, usually considered to be 0-10 weeks of pregnancy
The name given to a developing baby in the later stages of
pregnancy, usually after 10 weeks of pregnancy
A thin layer of retractable skin that covers the head of the penis
A sex cell (e.g. egg cell or sperm cell)
The external sex organs
A chemical messenger that travels in the blood and causes organs and glands to carry out a response
The process whereby a fertilisedegg cell embeds into the lining of the uterus
The inner and outerfolds of the vulva
Menstrual cycle
The cycle during which a female prepares to ovulate and
then menstruates, usually lasting an average of 28 days
The process that happens on day 1 of the menstrual cycle,
during which the lining of the uterus breaks down and passes out of the vagina
A female sex organ that produces and stores egg cells and releases sex hormones
Also known as the fallopian tube, it is a tube that connects an ovary to the uterus
The process whereby an egg cell is released from an ovary
Another word for an egg cell
An organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy to allow nutrients and waste to pass between mother and baby. The umbilical cord attaches to the placenta.
Prostate gland
A male sex gland that releases a fluid that helps to make semen
The phase of a human's life whereby the body becomes capable of reproduction. It is a time that involves many physical and emotional changes.
A thin sac of skin that holds the testes
A fluid produced by males that is mixed with sperm cells and helps them survive their journey to the egg cell
Sexual reproduction
The fusion of two parent nuclei, producing offspring that are genetically different from their parents
Sperm cell
The male sex cell
Sperm duct
A tube found inside the penis that connects the testes to the end of the penis
The male sex organs that make and store sperm cells and produce male sex hormones
Umbilical cord
A structure that contains blood vessels and connects the foetus to the placenta
A tube that connects the bladder and is involved in the removal of urine from the bladder to outside the body
Uterine lining
The inner layer of the uterus breaks down and regrows every month as part of the menstrual cycle. It is where a fertilised egg cell will embed itself during implantation.
The female sex organ in which the baby grows during pregnancy
A muscular tube that leads from the cervix to the outside of the body
The outer parts of the femalegenitalia
Disease causing organism
In the prokaryote kingdom. Unicellular organisms have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus. Some with the ability to cause disease.
A medicine that stops the growth of or destroysmicroorganisms (e.g. bacteria)
An infective agent that typically consists of genetic material in a protein coat and can multiply only within the living cells of a host.
A substance used to stimulateimmunity and antibody production to a virus typically prepared from an inactivated or weakened form of the virus.