introduction to organic chemistry

Cards (18)

  • What is a hydrocarbon?
    a compound that contains only hydrogen and carbon atoms.
  • What is empirical formula?
    The simplest whole number ratio of the atoms in a molecule.
  • What is molecular formula?
    It shows the actual number of each type of atom present in a molecule.
  • What does homologous series mean?
    A series of compounds with similar chemical properties because they have the same functional group.
  • What is a functional group?
    Atom or group of atoms that determine the chemical properties of a compound.
  • What are isomers?
    molecules with the same molecular formula but different displayed formulae.
  • What is general formula?
    A formula applicable to all members of a homologous series.
  • What is structural formula?
    It shows how the atoms in a molecule are joined together.
  • What is displayed formula?
    It shows all the bonds in a molecule as individual lines.
  • What are the characteristics of a homologous series?
    they have the same functional group
    they have similar chemical properties
    they have the same general formula
  • What are alcohols?
    homologous series of compounds which all contain an OH functional group attached to a hydrocarbon chain.
  • what is methyl?
  • What is ethyl?
  • What happens when organic compounds are combusted?
    They produce carbon dioxide and water.
  • What are some examples of reactions with organic compounds?
    substitution reactions
    addition reactions
    combustion reactions
  • What is crude oil?
    a mixture of hydrocarbons.
  • What is cracking?
    The process in which long chain alkanes are converted to alkenes or smaller chain alkanes.
  • What homologous series do the compounds found in crude oil belong to ?