chest 1

Cards (44)

  • larynx and trachea
    A) thyroid cartilage
    B) thyroid gland
    C) parathyroid glands
    D) region of thymus gland
    E) level of T4 or T5
    F) trachea
    G) level of C6
    H) larynx
  • bronchis
    A) right primary (main stem) bronchus
    B) level of T5
    C) position of carina
    D) left primary (main stem) bronchus
    E) carina
  • lungs
    A) parietal
    B) pleural cavity
    C) pulmonary-visceral
    D) superior lobe
    E) fissures
    F) middle lobe
    G) inferior lobe
    H) superior lobe
    I) fissure
    J) inferior lobe
  • lungs
    A) trachea
    B) thyroid gland
    C) right brachiocephalic vein
    D) apex
    E) fissure
    F) base
    G) diaphragm
    H) costophrenic angle
    I) heart
    J) thymus gland
    K) left carotid artery
  • body habitus
    A) hypersthenic
    B) sthenic
    C) hyposthenic
    D) asthenic
  • topographic landmarks
    A) sternum
    B) manubrium
    C) body
    D) xiphoid process
    E) thoracic vertebrae
    F) ribs
    G) inferior angle of the scapula / T7
    H) scapula
    I) clavicle
  • topographical landmarks
    A) jugular notch
  • what is the pharynx?
    upper airway
    posterior area between the nose and mouth
    above the larynx and esophagus
    passageway for fluid, food, and air
  • where does the respiratory system start?
  • what is the trachea?
    fibrous muscular tube embedded with cartilaginous rings
    3/4 inch diameter
    4 inches long
  • what are the bronchus
    a right and left
    the right is wider, more vertical, and shorter
  • what is the carina
    ridge where bifurcation occurs
  • what are the secondary bronchi
    divides into bronchioles
    the bronchioles divide into terminal bronchioles
  • what are the alveoli
    they are on the alveolar sacs at the end of the terminal bronchioles
    500-700 million between both lungs
    where the gas exchange occurs
  • parenchyma
    functional tissue
    light and spongy
  • right lung
    3 lobes (superior, middle, inferior)
    oblique fissure
    horizontal fissure
  • left lung
    2 lobes (superior, inferior)
    oblique fissure
  • visceral pleura

    in contact with the lung
  • parietal pleura
    in contact with the thoracic cavity
  • pleural cavity

    space between the visceral and parietal pleuras
    filled with serous fluid
  • what is the apex of the lung
  • what is the base of the lung
  • what is the costophrenic angle
    bottom outer corner of the lung that meets the ribs and diaphragm
  • what is the cardiophrenic angle
    bottom inner corner of the lung that meets the heart
  • what is the cardiac notch
    a space left for the heart to sit
  • what is in the hilum
    pulmonary vessels
    lymph vessels
  • what is in the mediastinum
    heart and great vessels
  • hypersthenic
    very broad and deep
    short torso
  • sthenic
  • hyposthenic
    longer vertically and slightly more normal
  • asthenic
    narrow side to side
    shallow front to back
    long torso
  • what is the jugular notch consistent with
    thoracic vertebrae 2 and thoracic vertebrae 3
  • what is the inferior angle of the scapula consistent with
    thoracic vertebrae 7
  • where is the vertebral prominence
    7-8 inches superior of thoracic vertebrae 7
  • what does inspiration do
    pushes the diaphragm down
  • what does expiration do
    raises the diaphragm up
    elastic recoil
  • why upright positioning ideal
    allows the diaphragm to move further down allowing a deeper breath
    easier to see air fluid levels
    prevent engorgement of the pulmonary vessels
  • patient prep for a chest xray
    have the patient take everything off from the waist up including necklaces and put a gown on
    earrings are fine
    hair should be up and out of the light field
    insulin pump removed if applicable to policy
  • radiation protection for a chest xray
    collimate correctly to the lung field
    kVp greater than 100 for low contrast
    low mAs
    no grid if the kVp is between 80 and 90
  • pediatric considerations for a chest xray
    usually supine
    restraint when appropriate