Cards (33)

  • Metamorphism - a change in the form of pre-existing rocks (igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic) caused by an increase in pressure, temperature, or a combination of both.
  • Limits of Metamorphism:
    • lower limit for temperature is 200o^oC (below this diagenesis and lithification take place; sedimentary process)
    • upper limit for temperature is 800o^oC (above this rocks melts; igneous proccesses occur)
    • no lower limit for pressure, but minimal metamorphism at depths <2km
    • no upper limit for pressure, but metamorphism unlikely to occur beyond depths of 45-50km (rocks melted at this depth)
  • Pressure that causes Metamorphism:
    • Confining Pressure - the effect of the mass of the overlying rocks; it acts equally in all directions and increases with depth.
    • Directed Pressure - the effects of tectonic forces acting at destructive plate margins (pressure in two directions).
    A) confining
    B) directed
  • Metamorphic Processes
    • metamorphic rocks may be formed from all types of rock; loose sediments (mud/silt/sand) become sedimentary rocks by compaction/cementation of the grains
    • cement is mostly composed of chemicals dissolved in water trapped in pore spaces between grains of sediment
    • if sedimentary rock is affected by heat of magma rising nearby, it may be recrystallised into a metamorphic rock; this is thermal/contact metamorphism (from increased heat alone)
    A) sedimentary
    B) low
    C) medium
    D) high
    E) regional
    F) contact
    G) igneous
  • Metamorphic Processes
    • sedimentary rock can be metamorphosed by being squeezed from the side as two plates collide, and become more deeply buried/heated by higher temperatures several km down in crust
    • this is regional metamorphism; varies from low to high grade depending on temperature/pressure - in extreme conditions the rock may melt to form magma helped by presence of water in rock (lowers melting point)
  • Underlying Principles:
    • metamorphism involves recrystallisation of an original rock without melting taking place
    • metamorphism may be caused by increased temperature and/or pressure (mostly from plate tectonic forces)
    • quartzite/marble formed by increased heat and/or pressure, but directed pressure needed to form slate/schist /gneiss
    • flaky minerals in a mud-rock/clay recrystallise into other flaky minerals (micas) to lie perpendicular to forces on the rock
    • larger, more equidimensional grains (sandstone/limestone) recrystalline together in roughly hexagonal shapes
  • Effects of Metamorphism:
    • destruction/distortion of fossils
    • destruction of sedimentary structures
    • hardening of the rock
    • colour changes to the rock
    • growth of new metamorphic minerals
    • alignment of new minerals in the rock
  • Metamorphic Grade - the extent to which the pre-existing rocks have been changed in form/altered; low grade = slight alteration, medium grade = significant alteration, high grade = extensive/total alteration.
  • Metamorphic changes are isochemical; the bulk composition of the parent rock and the new metamorphic rock are the same (contain same % of elements) - only loss from system is water as hydrous clay minerals are dehydrated by rise in temperature + recrystallisation takes place in the solid state during metamorphism (no melting).
  • Contact/Thermal Metamorphism
    • changes due to an increase in temperature alone - associated with major igneous intrusions (plutons/batholiths)
    • the volume of country rock altered by heat from the intrusion is the metamorphic aureole - recrystallisation occurs with random orientation of minerals (non-foliated)
  • Dynamic Metamorphism
    • changes due to an increase in pressure alone - associated with major fault planes (San Andreas Fault/Moine Thrust)
    • relatively localised/small scale (limited to few metres either side of fault plane) + rocks crushed and ground into angular fragments under intense shear pressure (directed stress)
  • Regional Metamorphism
    • changes due to an increase in both temperature/pressure - associated with destructive plate margins and orogenies
    • occurs on a large (regional) scale and involves thousands of km of rock + subducted ocean floor sediments undergo regional metamorphism from 5-50km depth
    • regional rocks have a foliated texture with minerals being aligned parallel to each other
  • Susceptibility to Rocks to Metamorphism:
    • argillaceous sediments (clay/mudstone/shale) undergo greatest mineralogical change + clay minerals (chlorite/illite/kaolinite) only stable at low temperatures/pressures at or close to surface
    • clay minerals chemically complex and a range of mineral types can form by recrystallisation under different temperature/pressure conditions
  • Slate - Low Grade Regional Metamorphism
    • forms 5-15km depth at high pressure and low temperature (<300𝑜oC) conditions
    • clay minerals recrystallise into chlorite/biotite mica + coarser grained than original clay minerals; chlorite/biotite mica are platy minerals that have long axes aligned at right angles to principle stress direction to form slaty cleavage
    • slate coarser/more crystalline than parent rock shale, but crystals fine-grained (<1mm)
    • relic sedimentary structures may be preserved (bedding planes or laminations) + fossils may be present but deformed
  • Schist - Medium Grade Regional Metamorphism
    • formed under higher temperatures (400-500o^oC) and at 15-25km depth - medium grained (1-3mm) + crystalline + shiny
    • higher temperature results in larger crystals and growth of new minerals (garnet, quartz and mica); garnet crystals are porphyroblasts (<5mm) and distort foliation
    • coarser foliation known as schistosity (schistose texture); formed by alignment of micas due to stress
  • Gneiss - High Grade Regional Metamorphism
    • formed under higher temperatures (500-700o^oC) and at 25-40km depth - mineral composition similiar to granite + coarse grained (>3mm)
    • higher temperatures result in larger crystals over 2mm and the growth of new minerals (feldspar, quartz and mica)
    • minerals segregated into discontinous layers to produce coarse foliation known as gneissose banding
  • Migmatite - Very High Grade Regional Metamorphism
    • temperature above 700o^oC and 40-50km depth; results in gneiss starting to melt - beyond 50km depth and temperatures >800o^oC, the migmatite melts to form magma (forms granite when cools)
    • migmatite ('mixed rock') comprises of a banded gneissose component and a non-foliated granite component
  • Phyllite; produced by higher temperatures/pressures than slate
    • it is fine grained (<1mm) and crystalline + often has a silky sheen due to parallel orientation of platy minerals (recrystallied mica/chlorite) and contains quartz + phyllite is fissile/foliated and usually grey/pale greenish-grey in colour.
    • Foliation - the texture found in metamorphic rocks, formed by the preferred alignment of flat, platy minerals.
    • Porphyroblasts - large crystals that have grown during recrystallisation in a metamorphic rock and surrounded by finer grained groundmass of other crystals.
    • Granoblastic - texture found in metamorphic rocks that contain interlocking equidimensional crystals.
  • Slaty Cleavage - the texture in fine grained rocks formed by low grade regional metamorphism; platy minerals recrystallise perpendicular to the direction of stress applied during metamorphism, so that the rock splits into thin sheets.
  • Schistosity - the texture in medium and coarse grained metamorphic rocks formed by the preferred alignment of flat/tabular minerals; the alignment is perpendicular to the direction of stress applied during metamorphism (no traces of original bedding remains).
  • Gneissose Banding - the segregation of light- and dark-coloured minerals into layers or bands (vary in thickness); the light band is normally granoblastic and the dark band normally shows schistosity.
  • Contact Metamorphism (ranges from 200o^oC to over 1,000o^oC) occurs when country rock is affected by heat from large igneous intrusion; as temperature differences between the country rock and the intruded magma are greater at shallow levels, contact metamorphism has high temperatures/low pressures.
    • high temperatures lead to formation of altered, recrystallised, unfoliated rocks in metamorphic aureole
    • effects of contact metamorphism are greatest near the contact and decrease with distance
  • Metamorphic Aureole - the volume of rock that has undergone recrystallisation due to heat from the intrusion; zone of recrystallisation has to be at least 50m wide (otherwise it is a baked margin).
  • Factors controlling size of Aureole:
    • Size of intrusion - larger volume intrusions take longer to cool and produce larger aureoles (minor intrusions like dykes/sills produce baked margins)
    • Magma Composition - mafic magma is 1100-1200o^oC but has low volatile content + felsic magma is 800-850o^oC and rich in volatiles (CO2 and water vapour)
  • Factors controlling size of Aureole:
    • Characteristics of the country rock - mineral composition, porosity and permeability, pore water content and thermal conductivity of the country rock
    • Dip of the contact - steep/vertical dip produces a narrow aureole + gently dipping contact produces a wide aureole + if sides of intrusion dip at different angles an asymmetrical aureole will be produced
  • Spotted Rock - Argillaceous Low Grade Contact Metamorphism
    • temperature 200-350o^oC (partial recrystallisation)
    • new minerals form (cordierite/iron oxides) as oval spots 2-5mm in diameter
    • spots have overgrown and included grains of the original argillaceous rock (poikiloblastic/sieze texture)
    • relic structures such as bedding/laminations + fossils may be evident
  • Chiastolite Rock - Argillaceous Medium Grade Contact Metamorphism
    • temperature 350-500o^oC produces a coarser grained rock (extensive recrystallisation) + groundmass mainly micas + no relic structures are evident
    • chiastolite needles develop (porphyroblasts) up to 2cm long and 3mm wide with square cross sections often with small iron inclusions; needles show random orientation (crystallised in absence of directed pressure)
  • Andalusite Hornfels - Argillaceous High Grade Contact Metamorphism
    • temperature 500-650o^oC + coarser grained >2mm with andalusite porphyroblasts
    • hornfelsic texture; tough, fibrous and splintery looking rock with crystalline texture + no evidence of any relic structures
  • Marble
    • parent rock is limestone (composed of calcite; stable over wide range of temperatures/pressures)
    • metamorphism causes original calcite crystals to be larger /coarser; calcite grains/fossil fragments recrystallise forming an interlocking mosaic of equidimensional calcite crystals (no foliation)
    • marble has granoblastic texture (all crystals more or less the same size), but calcite crystals look sugary (saccharoidal texture)
  • Marble
    • grain size increases with grade; low (<1mm), medium (1-2mm) and high (>2mm) + fossils/older structures are destroyed in recrystallisation
    • limestones are chemically simple rocks comprising of calcite (calcium carbonate); no new minerals form (only calcium, carbon and oxygen atoms present) + only recrystallises into coarser form
    • clay minerals in limestone form garnet + reaction between calcite and quartz (from sand grain) produces wollastonite + marble from pure limestone is white (impurities give coloured streaks)
  • Metaquartzite
    • parent rock is orthoquartzite; type of sandstone composed of quartz grains held together by quartz cement + resistant to weathering
    • quartz grains recrystallise forming interlocking quartz crystals with irregular boundaries; quartz crystals are equidimensional so there is no foliation (granoblastic texture)
    • chemically simple rocks comprising mainly quartz; no new minerals form from pure sandstone (only silicon/oxygen present) + quartz recrystallises into coarser form
    • grain size increases with grade; low <1mm, medium 1-2mm, high >2mm + sedimentary structures/fossils destroyed
    • Recrystallisation with an absence of directed pressure results in a non-foliated texture.