Relations between the Branches (4) Key words

Cards (11)

  • supranational: decision making transferred to a higher body which operates independently of nation states, it has authority over and above national gov
  • intergovernmental: member states need to cooperate
  • competency: the legal authority to act in a given policy area
  • supreme court: the highest court in the UK political system
  • judiciary: a wide description that includes all officials concerned with the dispensation of justice
  • judicial neutrality: the principle that judges should not be influenced by their personal political opinions and should remain outside of party politics
  • judicial independence: the principle that judges should not be influenced by other branches of government, particularly the executive
  • judicial review: the power of the judiciary to review, and sometimes reverse, actions by other branches of gov that breach the law or that are incompatible with the HRA
  • legal sovereignty: the legal right to exercise sovereignty e.g. sovereignty in theory
  • political sovereignty: the political ability to exercise sovereignty e.g. sovereignty in practice
  • ultra vires: literally “beyond the powers”, an action that is taken without legal authority when it requires it