A criticism of survival (evolutionary theories) is that it doesn't explain why sleep involves a loss of consciousness or awareness- as this may place the organism at greater risk
Propose that sleep allows the body to replenish the stores of energy to help us recover from depleting activities during waking time that use up the body's physical and mental resources
Studies involving sleep-deprived rats have shown that prolonged sleep deprivation results in the breakdown of bodily tissues (e.g. skin sores start to heal) and death within 3 weeks
Restores the brain and higher mental functions such as learning and memory. REM is much more abundant in the developing fetus and infants compared to childhood and later stages of development. This indicates that REM plays an important role in the peak periods of brain development that occur in infancy
Maintains brain circuits between groups of neurons
Over the course of the nights sleep we experience two different types of sleep-known as NREM (Non-rapid eye movement) and REM (rapid-eye movement)
These occur in a continuous cycle with one following the other
In adults, one cycle of NREM sleep lasts about 70-90 minutes, and consists of 4 distinct stages, each of which can be identified by a different brain wave
A period of REM sleep follows each period of NREM sleep, and researchers sometimes refer to REM sleep as the fifth stage of sleep
NREM Sleep
Approximately 80% of our sleep time is spent in NREM - typically the first half of the night has more NREM sleep than the second half of the night
1. Transitions period from being awake to being asleep, characterised by slow, rolling eye movements for a minute or two
2. Some people experience flashes of light or colour, feelings of floating and weightlessness, dreamlike images, jerky movements or a sense of falling or slipping
3. This is the beginning towards the first stage of sleep in the NREM