Basic Instrumentation

Cards (19)

  • Photometry
    Measure either absorption or emission
  • Properties of lightProvide a sufficient light which is suitable for making a measurement
  • Transmittance
    Ratio of the total radiant/luminous flux transmitted by a transparent object
  • Beer's Law
    Absorbance of a solution is directly proportional to the concentration of the solution
  • Increase in absorbance
    Increase in concentration
  • Lambert's Law
    Absorbance of a solution is directly proportional to the thickness of the optical path
  • Types of lamps
    • Tungsten
    • Hydrogen
    • Mercury
  • Increase in thickness of optical path
    Increase in absorbance
  • Increase in thickness of optical path
    Decrease in transmittance
  • Dispersion devices
    • Cause different wavelengths of light to be dispersed at different angles
    • Prism to isolate different wavelengths
    • Filters to separate different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum by absorbing/reflecting
  • Diffraction grating
    • Provide a narrower spectrum
    • Test results more accurate
  • Cuvettes
    Hold solution whose absorbance is to be measured
  • Dust will scratch cuvettes
  • Colorimeter
    Uses prism like a spectrophotometer
  • Turbidometry
    An absorption photometry
  • Nephelometry
    Measure the intensity of radiation scattered by a suspension
  • Reflectance photometry
    Measure light intensity of a specific wavelength that is reflected by a coloured product
  • Photodetector/Galvanometer
    Measure the transmitted light which is reciprocally related to the absorbance
  • Properties of light
    • Provide a sufficient light which are suitable for marking a measurement