Module 15

Cards (16)

    defined as entitled, impatient, and results oriented.
    the most educated generation to date, and have grown up in a world far different from that of their parents.
  • Inequality
    is a difficult problem that has existed throughout history and can manifest itself in a variety of settings.
  • Environment:

    The rising global population and limits of earth's ability to sustain such a large population is a growing concern for the future.
  • Technology
    occurred at one of the fastest rates. From the development of the computer and the internet to mapping of the human genome, these changes are weighted with both potential and responsibility In response to recent advancements,
  • Institute of Business Ethics (IBE)
    describes the work ethic of millennials as goal-oriented and entrepreneurial. They prefer a participative style of interaction.
  • Verschoor
    describes millennials as having shorter attention spans and needing immediate feedback and recognition for their efforts.
  • MILLENNIALS or Fillennials
    described as those who are social media- dependent and also, the
    "selfie" generation. also described as narcissist, making them known as the
    "Me, Me. Me Generation"
    are upbeat, lazy, narcissistic, materialistic, self-expressive fun-loving and liberal. They also have a short attention span.
  • 1980 and 2000
    millennials - roughly defined as those who were born between
  • Phillennials
    make up one-third of the total population. They are the ones politicians talk to. The ones marketers try to entice and persuade. The ones companies want
    to hire (if they haven't started their own).
  • Phillennials different difficulties
    as the results of a survey, six to 13 hours of desk work causes 64 percent of millennials to spend half an hour less on physical activities like standing, stretching, and walking on an average work day. About 51 percent of Filipino millennials engaged themselves in physical activities at least twice a week.
    is firmly entrenched in our society brought by ideological, religious,
    cultural, and regional differences that have constantly set boundaries
    between generations. millennial generation does possess some of the tools to tackle the problem of inequality: cooperation; positive attitudes; resilience, and strong faith.
    various ethical issues to consider such as genetic engineering in humans to
    internet privacy. to preserve the dignity of information and make sure ideas are neither abused nor harmful to the public it aims to serve.
    is a growing concern among Phillennials. The rising population, massive land conversion, illegal minings, illegal loggings, energy
    and chemical pollution, and deforestration are severely damaging
    our nature.