Cards (25)

  • Nicomachean Ethics
    A philosophical inquiry into the nature of the good life for a human being
  • Ultimate good
    • Complete
    • Final
    • Self-sufficient
    • Continuous
  • Happiness (eudaimonia)

    A type of activity, not a static state of being
  • Human function
    Activity of the rational part of the soul according to reason
  • Ethical virtue

    A habit disposed toward action by deliberate choice, being at the mean relative to us, and defined by reason as a prudent man would define it
  • Voluntary action
    • Must not be caused by an external principle, and the person must contribute to the action
    • Proper intention is necessary, formed with reason or thought
  • Bravery
    A mean between rashness and cowardice, facing and fearing what one should for the right reason, in the right manner and at the right time
  • Temperance
    A mean with regard to bodily pleasures, moderately disposed with regard to pleasures and pains, loving such pleasures as right reason dictates
  • Generosity
    A mean between wastefulness and stinginess, giving to the right person, the right amounts and at the right times, and taking proper care of possessions
  • Munificence
    Giving large amounts for suitable occasions, a mean between meanness and ostentation
  • Magnanimity
    Claiming and deserving great honors, a sort of ornament of virtues
  • Right ambition
    A mean between too much and too little ambition regarding honor
  • Good temper
    A mean between irascibility or bitterness, becoming angry on the right occasions, with the right people, at the right time and for the right length of time
  • Friendliness
    A mean between flattery or obsequiousness and quarrelsomeness
  • Truthfulness
    A mean between boastfulness and self-depreciation
  • Wit
    A mean with regard to humor and amusement, saying the right things in the right manner and also listening to things properly
  • Justice
    A mean between two extremes of unfairness, concerned with honor, property, safety and similar things
  • Natural justice
    That which is just in all times and places
  • Conventional justice

    That which is made up of laws and customs
  • Prudence
    The intellectual virtue of practical reason, concerned with human actions and giving the ability to choose the virtuous mean in specific situations
  • Continence and incontinence
    Concerned with bodily pleasures like temperance and intemperance, but distinct - the incontinent man knows what is bad but follows his passions, the continent man knows his desires are bad but does not follow them because of reason
  • Friendship
    A necessary part of the good life, of three types: based on usefulness, pleasure, or virtue (the genuine type)
  • Pleasure is a good, as it perfects actions, and the highest good (happiness) must involve pleasure
  • Contemplation
    Man's highest action and most complete happiness, as it best fulfills the qualifications of the ultimate good
  • Good laws and proper education are necessary to make people virtuous, especially for the young