Amazon rainforest = tropical rainforest covering 40% of South America
WWF: 34 mn ppl live in Amazonia, inc. 385 indigenous groups who depend on its services and resources
Over 20% of Amazon = destroyed @ accelerating rate in last 50 years due to:
cattle ranching
large scale commercial agriculture for biofuels and soya beans
development of towns and roads
Illegal + legal logging
NB: Brazilian gov. encourages such actions
Amazon contains 60% of world's rainforests and so environmental impact is prevalent and highly significant
Trees act as 'green lungs' by removing CO2 as they photosynthesize and act as carbon sinks
Destruction of forest reduces carbon sink capacity and hence adds to global greenhouse emissions, esp. in times of drought
In forest: 75% of intercepted water is returned by EVT to atm which reduces to approx. 25% when forest is cleared so drier climate causes desiccation and further forest degradation
ENSO cycle = significant occurrence of droughts in Amazonia which exacerbates forest fires and furthers destruction
Water cycle = increased run off to drainage basin system so exacerbated possibility of severe flooding, mudslides and aquifer depletion as less water infiltrates to recharge them
Overland flow increases soil erosion and degradation as nutrients are ' washed away '