ENSO Globally

Cards (4)

  • Normal conditions:
    • Trade winds blow Equator wise and westward across the tropical pacific
    • Wind blows towards warm water of western pacific
    • Convectional uplift occurs as water heats atm
    • Trade winds push warm air westwards. Along East coast of Peru, shallow position to pull up water from below
    • Causes upwelling of nutrient rich cold water = optimum fishing conditions
    • Pressure of trade winds causes sea levels in Australasia to be 50 cm higher than Peru
    • Walker loop returns air to eastern tropical pacific
  • El Nino Year:
    • Trade winds in western pacific weaken and die [may even be a reverse direction of flow]
    • Piled up water in west moves back east so there is a 30 cm sea level rise in Peru
    • Region of rising air moves east with associated convectional lift. Upper air disturbances distort jet steams paths = teleconnections all around the world
    • East pacific ocean becomes 6 - 8 ℃ warmer. Overrides cold northbound Humboldt current so breaks food chain
    • Lack of phytoplankton = decrease in fish numbers so fish eating birds on Galapagos Islands affected
    • Conditions = calmer across whole pacific
  • La Nina Year:
    • Extremely strong trade winds
    • Trade winds push warm water westwards giving a sea level up to 1 meter higher in Philippines and Indonesia
    • Low pressure develops with very strong convectional uplift as very warm water heats the atmosphere = heavy rain in south east Asia
    • Increase in equatorial undercurrent and very strong upwelling of cold water off Peru coast result in strong high pressure and extreme drought
    • Major problem in already semi-arid areas of north Chile and Peru
  • Key Points: