Chapter 4 Hinduism

Cards (31)

  • Native to India
  • Has no specific origin or founder
  • Tradition understands itself to be timeless, having always existed
  • Sanatana Dharma
    Collection of sacred texts known as the eternal teaching
  • Hinduism
    • A complex tradition that surrounds numerous interrelated religions, doctrines and practices that have common characteristics
    • Lacks any unified system of beliefs and practices
    • A lot of major sects and countless subsects with local or regional variations
  • Possible to see these sects as distinct religious traditions, with often very specific theologies and ritual traditions
  • Worldview
    Grounded in the doctrines of Samsara (the cycle of rebirth) and Karma (the universal law of cause and effect)
  • Believed that the universe is full of deities and spiritual beings or devas, who influence the world and interact with humans
  • Sacred Days of Hinduism
    • Holi
    • Diwali
    • Maha Shivaratri
  • Holi
    Also called as Holaka or Phagwa<|>Celebrated on the full moon in the Hindu month of Phalguna<|>Celebrates spring<|>Least religious
  • Diwali
    Meaning “row of lights”<|>Lasts for five days<|>New Year’s Eve<|>Held on the final day of Vikram calendar
  • Maha Shivaratri
    The Great Festival of Shiva<|>Held on the 14th day of the dark half of the lunar month of Phalguna<|>Important to Saivites
  • Mark of Dharma
    Good conduct
  • Good conduct
    Enhances life<|>Attains prosperity and fame, here and hereafter, through Dharma<|>Is the highest Dharma
  • There are conflicts of desires
  • Obtaining victory
    Termed ‘will’
  • Inner character makes the will possible
  • Ethics
    The science of conduct<|>Study of what is right or good<|>Shows how human beings should behave<|>Contains systemised principles on which a man should act
  • Ethics, Spirituality and Religion
    • Cornerstone of Vedanta (God realisation)
    • Strong pillar on which the edifice of Bhakti Yoga rests
    • Yogic students must be strictly ethical
    • Must be truthful and pure in thought, word and deed
  • Ethical Codes in Hinduism
    • 10 Yamas
    • 10 Niyamas
  • 10 Yamas
    • Non-injury
    • Truthfulness
    • Non-stealing
    • Sexual Purity
    • Patience
    • Steadfastness
    • Compassion
    • Honesty
    • Moderate Diet
    • Purity
  • 10 Niyamas
    • Modesty
    • Contentment
    • Charity
    • Faith
    • Worship the Lord
    • Scriptual Listening
    • Cognition
    • Sacred Vows
    • Incantation
    • Austerity
  • The basis of Hindu ethics is: “There is one all-pervading Atman. It is the innermost soul of all beings. This is common, pure consciousness, because the world is nothing but your own self.”
  • Indicators of Right and Wrong
    Wise sages declare that people should resort to Sastras, learned Pundits and realised persons, for consultation
  • Right
    Giving elevations, joy and peace to the mind<|>Helps you with your spiritual evolution<|>Leads to unity of self
  • Wrong
    Brings depression, pain and restlessness to the mind<|>Obstructs and hinders your spiritual evolution
  • Branches of Hinduism
    • Shaiva
    • Vaishnava
    • Shakta
    • Smarta
  • Shaiva
    The God Shiva
  • Vaishnava
    The God Vishnu
  • Shakta
  • Smarta
    Understand the ultimate form of the divine to be abstract and all encompassing, Brahman