Deep Words July 21-17

Cards (15)

  • Alexiathymia
    • Derived from Greek, literally translating to "no words for emotions."
    • Describes difficulty in identifying, understanding, and expressing emotions.
  • Epoch
    A period of time in history marked by noteworthy or distinctive events.
  • Silhouette
     The dark outline of a person or object visible against a brighter background.
  • Oblivion
     The state of being completely forgotten or ignored; a place or condition of complete darkness or obscurity.
  • Wanderlust
    A strong desire to travel and explore the world; travel bug, roaming spirit
  • Wherewithal

    The necessary means, resources, or determination to do something. tenacity
  • Ripple
    A small wave or series of waves spreading outward from the point where something has disturbed the surface of water. 
  • Somnambulist
    A person who walks in their sleep; sleepwalker.
  • Enormous
    Extremely large in size, amount, or scale.
    massive, vast, colossal, immense
  • Ecstatic
    Feeling or showing extreme happiness and delight.
    jubilant, elated, rapturous
  • Hideous
    Primarily refers to something extremely ugly or repulsive to the sight.
  • Cognizant
    Aware of something; having knowledge or understanding of something.
  • Bequeath
    To leave something (such as money or property) to someone in a will.
  • Incognito
    Disguised or keeping one's identity hidden.
  • Perfidious
    Treacherous; betraying trust.