Identification of functional groups

Cards (14)

  • Test for alkenes
    Bromine water
  • Observation for alkenes
    If present (orange to colourless), not presents remains orange
  • Test for primary and secondary alcohols
    Acidified potassium dichromate
  • Observation for testing 1 and 2 alcohols
    Orange to green
  • Test for tertiary alcohols
    Acidifed potassium dichromate
  • Observations for testing tertiary alcohols
    Stays orange so no visible change
  • Test for aldehydes
    Tollens or Fehlings solution
  • Fehlings solution for aldehyde
    Bue to brick red precipitate
  • Tollens solution for aldehyde
    Colourless to silver mirror
  • Test for carboxylic acid
    Sodium carbonate
  • Observation for carboxylic acid
    Colourless solution, fizzing, gas, bubbles in limewater and it'll go cloudy
  • How do we oxidise alcohols
    Acidified potassium dichromate
  • Define stereoisomer
    Isomer that contains same structural formula but atoms that are arranged differently in space
  • Role of a hydroxide ion
    Electron pair donor, proton acceptor, lone pair donor