AppSec Tools

Cards (10)

  • Burpsuite
    • Burp Suite is a Java-based framework that has become the industry standard for web application penetration testing. It is designed for security assessments of web and mobile applications, including those using APIs. The framework captures and allows the manipulation of all HTTP/HTTPS traffic between a browser and a web server, which is its core functionality.
    • This capability enables users to intercept, view, and modify web requests before they reach the target server or manipulate responses before they are received by the browser
  • Burpsuite Professional
    The Professional edition, however, is a more advanced version that includes features such as:
    • An automated vulnerability scanner
    • A fuzzer/brute-forcer with no rate limits
    • The ability to save projects for future use and generate reports
    • A built-in API for tool integration
    • Unrestricted access to add extensions for enhanced functionality
    • Access to the Burp Suite Collaborator, which provides a unique request catcher
  • Burpsuite Tools
    • Proxy: The Burp Proxy is the most renowned feature of Burp Suite. It allows for the interception and modification of requests and responses while interacting with web applications.
    • Repeater: Repeater is a well-known feature that enables users to capture, modify, and resend the same request multiple times. This is particularly useful for crafting payloads through trial and error, such as in SQL Injection (SQLi), or for testing endpoint functionality for vulnerabilities.
  • Burpsuite Tools
    • Decoder: Decoder provides a service for data transformation, allowing users to decode captured information or encode payloads before sending them to the target.
    • Comparer: Comparer enables the comparison of two pieces of data at either the word or byte level.
    • Sequencer: Sequencer is used to assess the randomness of tokens, such as session cookie values or other supposedly random data. If the algorithm generating these values lacks secure randomness, it can expose avenues for attacks.
  • Burp Proxy
    • Intercepting Requests: When using the Burp Proxy, requests made through it are intercepted and held back from reaching the target server. The "Intercept is on" button can be clicked to disable interception and allow requests to pass through the proxy without interruption.
    • Taking Control: The ability to intercept requests gives testers complete control over web traffic, making it an invaluable tool for testing web applications.
  • Burp Proxy
    • Capture and Logging: By default, Burp Suite captures and logs requests made through the proxy, even when interception is turned off. This logging feature is useful for later analysis and reviewing prior requests.
    • WebSocket Support: Burp Suite also captures and logs WebSocket communication, aiding in the analysis of web applications.
    • Logs and History: Captured requests can be viewed in the HTTP history and WebSockets history sub-tabs, allowing for retrospective analysis and the ability to send requests to other Burp modules as needed.
  • Burp Proxy
    • Response Interception: By default, the proxy does not intercept server responses unless explicitly requested on a per-request basis. The "Intercept responses based on the following rules" checkbox, along with defined rules, allows for more flexible response interception.
    • Match and Replace: The "Match and Replace" section in the Proxy settings allows for the use of regular expressions (regex) to modify incoming and outgoing requests. This feature enables dynamic changes, such as modifying the user agent or manipulating cookies.
  • Burp Site Map
    • Site Map: This sub-tab enables users to map out the targeted web applications in a tree structure. As users browse the web application with the proxy active, each page visited is displayed on the site map. This feature allows users to automatically generate a site map by simply navigating through the web application. It is especially useful for mapping APIs, as any accessed API endpoints will be captured in the site map.
    • Issue Definitions: The Issue Definitions section offers an extensive list of web vulnerabilities, complete with descriptions and references.
  • Burp Suite
    • Scope Settings: This setting allows users to control the target scope in Burp Suite by including or excluding specific domains/IPs. Managing the scope helps focus on the specific web applications being targeted and avoids capturing unnecessary traffic.
  • Burp Scoping
    • Scoping is a crucial aspect of using the Burp Proxy, as it helps manage and focus the traffic captured and logged, preventing overwhelming and irrelevant data.
    Setting a Scope:
    • To efficiently manage what gets proxied and logged, you can define a scope for the project. This allows Burp Suite to target only specific web applications.
    • This window allows you to include or exclude specific domains/IPs, giving you control over the target scope and ensuring that Burp Suite focuses on the relevant web applications.