scie 6

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  • Logical positivism
    The only meaningful philosophical problems are those which can be solved by logical analysis; marriage of empiricism with mathematical logic.
  • Relativism
    The doctrine that knowledge, truth and morality exist in relation to culture, society or historical context and are not absolute.
  • Realism
    The view of an object that exists in reality independently of our conceptual framework.
  • Operationalism
    A form of positivism; defines scientific concepts in terms of the operations used to determine or prove them.
  • Reductionism
    The reducing of one science to some other (more fundamental) science; explaining a phenomenon in the simplest terms or most fundamental theory.
  • Emergence
    The idea that the whole may be greater than the sum of its parts.
  • Chance
    Possibility of something happening.
  • Science is ‘theory-laden’
  • Thomas Kuhn's theory of how science evolves

    1. Scientific communities share assumptions
    2. Work within a paradigm is normal science
    3. Excess of unsolvable puzzles leads to new paradigm
    4. New paradigm adopted during scientific revolution
    5. Produces revolutionary science.
  • Formal criteria used by scientific communities
    • Explanatory power
    • Simplicity
    • Fertility
    • Ability to predict unforeseen results
  • Epistemé
    Knowledge in the sense of understanding that is fitting within a conceptual framework.
  • Tekhne
    Skill or know-how; practical knowledge or ability to do something.
  • Gnosis
    The intuitive apprehension of truth, or knowledge gained through direct insight into reality; spiritual truths.
  • Coherence theory of truth
    The truth of any (true) proposition consists in its coherence with some specified set of propositions.
  • Correspondence theory of truth
    The truth (or falsity) of a statement is determined only by how it relates to the world and whether it accurately describes that world.
  • Three fundamental metaphysical assumptions of science
    • Nature is ordered
    • This order is comprehensible to the human race
    • Our understanding of this order can be communicated without subjective bias.