possess genetic material, can propagate genetic info
when inside host cell, can use host cell enzymes to carry out metabolic processes
undergo mutation and reassortment of genetic material
able to respond to stimuli when inside host cell
can evolve to adapt to new environment
why viruses considered non-living:
lack cellular organelles
do not carry out metabolism, lack ability to reproduce independently
do not grow and undergo developmental changes
do not respond to stimuli outside host cell
can only evolve within host cell
bacteriophages: viruses that only infect bacteria
T4 bacteriophage
main steps of viral replication:
virus invades host cell via specific receptors/glycoproteins
genetic material injected/whole virus enters
virus uses host cell machinery to synthesise own nucleic acid
virus uses host cell rna polymerase to transcribe own genes and ribosome for mRNA to form viral components
components assemble, exit cell via budding, exocytosis or lysis of cell
T4 bacteriophage attachment:
attachment sites on tail fibres recognise and attach to complementary receptor sites on bacteria surface
T4 bacteriophage entry:
phage lysozyme hydrolyses bacterial cell wall, releases molecules that trigger change in shape of base plate -> tail sheath contracts, hollow core tube thrust through bacterial cell wall and cell membrane
viral genome (DNA) injected Into cell
T4 bacteriophage replication:
phage DNA immediately transcribed using host RNA polymerase
enzymes coded by phage genome takes over bacterium‘s macromolecular synthesising machinery
use host cell nucleotides to synthesise copies of phage DNA
bacterium metabolic machinery used to synthesise phage enzymes and phage structural components
T4 bacteriophage assembly:
bacteriophage dna and capsid assemble
head, tail, tail fibres assembled independently
T4 bacteriophage release:
lysozyme hydrolyses bacterial cell wall
newly produced bacteriophages released, infect other susceptible cells
lambda bacteriophage:
Lambda bacteriophage attachment:
tail fiber (one only) adsorbs to complementary receptor site on host bacterial surface
Lambda bacteriophage entry:
phage genome enters via hollow tube through bacterial cell wall and cell surface membrane
lambda bacteriophage replication (lytic):
linear phage dna forms a circle
circular dna replicated and transcribed (using host cell machinery), new phages formed and cell lysis occurs
lambda bacteriophage replication (lysogenic):
circular dna integrated into bacterial dna (Now called prophage), action by enzyme integrase
Prophage genes repressed by repressor proteins (products of phage genes), no release of virions
when bacterial chromosome replicated, prophage will be replicated along with it, remains latent
Lambda bacteriophage spontaneous induction:
irradiation with uv light or agents that damage DNA, activates cellular proteases to degrade repressor proteins, allowing for lytic cycle to take place
lambda bacteriophage assembly:
phage components produced using host bacterium’s metabolic machinery
assemble components
Lambda bacteriophage release:
lysozyme hydrolyses bacterial cell wall, release of complete virions via cell lysis
classification of viruses:
shape: helical/icosahedral/complex
type and structure of genome
presence/absence of envelope
mode of replication
Structure of influenza virus:
enveloped virus, capsid lines inner side of envelope
genome of influenza virus:
8 segments of single-stranded RNA (-ve strand, complementary to mRNA)
3 rna segments code for 3 different rna dependent rna polymerases
5 rna segments code for viral proteins
influenza attachment:
haemagglutinin on virus envelope binds to sialic acid receptor on host cell surface membrane
influenza entry:
virus enters cell by endocytosis, where host cell surface membrane invaginates, pinches off and places virus in an endocytic vesicle
low pH in vesicle stimulates fusion of viral envelope with vesicle membrane, releasing nucleocapsid into cytoplasm
capsid degraded by cellular enzymes, leaving behind helical nucleoprotein that enters nucleus
Capsid and genome = nucleocapsid
many capsomeres form capsid
viral genome can associate with nucleoproteins found inside capsid
influenza replication:
viral rna used as template for synthesis of viral mRNA, catalysed by RNA dependent RNA polymerase
mRNA produced will act as template to synthesise new viral rna genome
mRNA strands exit nucleus into cytosol to be translated into viral structural proteins at RER
influenza maturation and assembly:
viral glycoproteins translated by vesicles form ER and incorporated into host cell surface membrane
capsid proteins associate with glycoprotins at host csm
viral genome associates with proteins to form helical nucleoproteins, interact with capsid proteins, initiates budding process
influenza release:
host csm evaginates and pinches off, forms viral envelope with viral glycoproteins haemagglutinin and neuraminidase embedded
neuraminidase cleaves sialic acid from cell surface and progeny virions facilitating virus release (so that virions don’t bind tgt)
each new virus buds off from cell
genome of HIV: 2 copies of single stranded RNA (positive strand) tightly bound to nucleocapsid protein
3 major genes
Gag: codes for structural proteins like capsid
Pol: codes for viral enzymes
Env: codes for glycoproteins gp 120, gp 41
HIV capsid:
conical shaped
contains 2 molecules of reverse transcriptase
HIV attachment:
gp 120 interacts with CD4 receptor on target cell (eg T lymphocytes like T helper cells) with help of co-receptor
HIV entry:
gp 41 helps viral envelope fuse with cell surface membrane, capsid released into the cell
capsid and nucleocapsid protein degraded, viral enzymes and rna into cytoplasm
HIV replication:
reverse transcriptase catalyses synthesis of DNA strand complementary to viral RNA strand -> RNA-DNA hybrid
RNA strand degraded, DNA strand complementary to the 1st is synthesised to form double-stranded DNA molecule
viral DNA enters nucleus, integrated into host chromosome (catalysed by integrase), now is provirus (can persist in latent stage for years)
HIV activation after replication:
transcription of viral DNA into RNA that serves as mRNA
mRNA exits nucleus, will be translated into viral polyproteins
gp 120 and gp 41 made in RER
Env polyprotein cleaved by host cell protease in RER
viral RNA becomes viral genome for next generation of viruses
HIV assembly:
polyproteins and viral genome assemble at inner surface of host cell surface membrane
vesicles containing gp 41 and gp 120 embedded in vesicle membrane transported to csm
HIV release:
host cell surface membrane evaginates and pinches off, forms viral envelope with gp 120 and gp 41 embedded
Gag and Pol polyproteins cleaved into functional proteins by HIV protease
Antigens: specific molecular structures that antibodies and receptors in our immune systems recognise
Antigenic drift:
accumulation of mutations in genes encoding surface glycoproteins of virus
will result in surface antigens/glycoproteins to have different conformation and charge to the previous strain
common in influenza virus due to lack of proofreading ability of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and fast/high rate of replication of virus -> introduces mutations
antigenic shift:
sudden and major changes in surface antigens/glycoproteins
occurs when 2 or more strains of virus infect the same host
reassortment of different RNA segments result in new combinations of RNA segments in a virion
new combinations of glycoproteins at viral envelope
PA, PB1, PB2 in influenza will form a complex of RNA dependent RNA polymerase