self defence

Cards (25)

  • d may be able to use defence of self defence
  • governed by criminal justice and immigration act 2008
  • if successful results in acquittal
  • d must prove/satisfy 2 elements
  • was the force necessary?
  • was the force reasonable in all circumstances?
  • prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that d either wasn't acting in self defence or the force used was excessive
  • jury must decide if force was necessary
  • hussain
    force wont be necessary if danger is over
  • beckford
    pre emptive strikes included
  • cousins
    d can use threats of force or death in order to try stop an attack on himself or prevent a crime
  • d is judged in the circumstances as they honestly believed them to be
  • ags ref no2
    d can make preparations in self defence
  • bird
    d is under no duty to retreat
  • whether force is reasonable covered by s76 criminal justice and immigration act 2008
  • martin
    d not expected to weigh up exact amount of force but they must do what they honestly thought was objectively reasonable in the circumstances they subjectively believed them to be
  • heat of the moment
  • clegg
    if force excessive then defence fails
  • gladstone williams
    d judged on facts as they believed them
  • o'grady
    cannot rely on mistaken belief if that mistake was made due to d being voluntarily intoxicated
  • wider defence for householder cases under criminal justice and immigration act 2008.
  • force is not reasonable where it is grossly disproportionate
  • force must have been used while in/partly in a building that is a dwelling
  • must be a trespasser
  • must have believed v to be a trespasser