Presented by Jenny Lynn E. Idea, M.D., FPOGS, FPSUOG
Lecture Outline
July 24, 2024
Abnormalities in Passage
Pelvic Capacity
The Pelvic Inlet
The Pelvic Midplane
The Pelvic Outlet
Clinical Pelvimetry
Pelvic Fractures
Imaging Studies of Bony Pelvis for Estimation of Pelvic Capacity
Soft Tissue Dystocia
Uterine Abnormalities
Fetopelvic disproportion arises from diminished pelvic capacity or from abnormal fetal size, structure, presentation, or position.
Pelvic Capacity Factors
Pelvic Inlet
Pelvic Midplane
Pelvic Outlet
Pelvic Capacity
Any contraction of the pelvic diameter that diminishes pelvic capacity can create dystocia.
3 AP Diameters
DC - 1 cm ~ 11 cm
DC - 1.5 less than DC ~ 10 cm
DC ~ 12 cm
The Pelvic Inlet is CONTRACTED if Shortest AP diameter <10 cm, Transverse diameter <12 cm, Diagonal conjugate is <11.5 cm, No fetal head engagement.
Vaginal exam to determine diagonal conjugate.
The fetal biparietal diameter (BPD) averages from 9.5 to 9.8 cm.
Fetal biparietal diameter (BPD) is less than pelvic inlet diameter
It would prove difficult for a fetus to pass through the inlet.
Patients with inlet contractions are more likely to have early spontaneous rupture of membranes.
This is because the head is arrested at the inlet.
The force of uterine contraction would be exerted directly to the portion of the membranes that is in contact with the dilated cervix.
Once there’s early spontaneous rupture of membranes with contracted inlet, there’s no forward/hydrostatic pressure of the fetal head on the cervix & lower uterine segment.
Less effective uterine contractions occur with early spontaneous rupture of membranes.
Protracted or arrest in cervical dilatation occurs with early spontaneous rupture of membranes.
Abnormal presentations with inlet contraction
Face or shoulder presentation
Cord prolapse
Inlet contraction also leads to abnormal presentations with increased chance for face or shoulder presentation (3x more) and cord prolapse (6x more).
The average midpelvis measures 10.5 cm in its transverse or interspinous diameter.
Midplane Adequate Diameters
AP ≥ 11.5 cm
Transverse (IS) ≥ 10 cm
Posterior Sagittal ~5 cm
Midplane Contracted Diameters
Interspinous < 8 cm
Midpelvic contraction is suspected whenever interspinous diameter is < 10 cm.
Midplane contraction is more common than inlet contraction.
Midplane contraction frequently causes transverse arrest of the fetal head which often leads to difficult mid-forceps extraction or cesarean section.
Contracted pelvic outlet is defined as an inter-ischial-tuberous diameter of ≤ 8cm.
Outlet Adequate Diameters
AP = 9.9 to 11.5cm
Intertuberous Diameter = 11 cm
Outlet Contracted Diameters
Interischialtuberous Diameter ≤ 8cm
Outlet contractions are insignificant in severe dystocia however, it may give rise to significant perineal tears.
Clinical Pelvimetry Parameters
Most common cause of pelvic fracture in pregnancy: trauma from vehicular accidents.
Pelvic fracture during pregnancy is not an absolute indication of cesarean delivery.
Once fracture has healed after 8-12 weeks, vaginal delivery may be considered, however, it needs radioimaging and pelvimetry later in pregnancy.