
    Cards (13)

    • What is repeating behavior also known as?
    • What are the types of loops in programming?
      1. Forever - to loop forever.
      2. Repeat - to repeat for a set amount of times.
      3. Repeat until - to repeat until the Boolean condition reports true.
    • What does a "Forever" loop do?
      It loops forever.
    • What does a "Repeat" loop do?
      It repeats for a set amount of times.
    • What does a "Repeat until" loop do?
      It repeats until the Boolean condition reports true.
    • What are the types of conditional statements in programming?
      1. If then - to run if the Boolean condition reports true.
      2. If then-Else - first or second parts based on Boolean value reported.
      3. If then-Else if then-Else - first set of internal blocks where the condition returns true.
    • What does an "If then" statement do?
      It runs if the Boolean condition reports true.
    • How does an "If then-Else" statement function?
      It executes the first or second parts based on the Boolean value reported.
    • What is the purpose of an "If then-Else if then-Else" statement?
      It allows for multiple conditions to be checked in sequence.
    • What are Boolean expressions?
      • Statements that evaluate to either true or false.
      • Types include:
      1. Equal to - if first value is the same as the second value.
      2. Greater than - if first value is larger than second value.
      3. Less than - if first value is less than second value.
    • What does "equal to" mean in Boolean expressions?
      It means the first value is the same as the second value.
    • What does "greater than" mean in Boolean expressions?
      It means the first value is larger than the second value.
    • What does "less than" mean in Boolean expressions?
      It means the first value is less than the second value.