Japan: Lesson from History

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  • 1980s: Japan was destined for superpower status, economically speaking. Per Capita GDP was greater than that of the UK and USA by 1980 and it was a world leader in exporting exporting consumer electronics, ICT, cars and industrial machinery to the rest of the world
  • Currently: seems that China is the next global superpower but Japan proves a warning against such assumptions
  • Economists expected Japan's economy to grow in the 1980s but this id not occur and the economy has barely grown at all since 1995
  • Since economic collapse in 1995, the term the 'lost decade' became popular in 2005, but it is now the lost two decades. This occurred because:
    • A property value bubble burst in 1989-90 which caused collapse in Japanese stock market
    • High interest rates of 4-6% encouraged saving rather than spending so economy slowed
    • Ageing population became a problem hence further slowing economy
    • More competitive Asian economies e.g South Korea and then China overtook Japan's lead on hi-tech goods for consumers