Postulated that electrical current moving through a wire creates “fields of force” surrounding the wire. With this, he showed electromagnetic induction and built the first electric mot
Georg Simon Ohm
Measured the electromotive force of electrical currents. He found that some conductors worked better than others and quantified the differences in a law named after him.
Joseph Henry
Worked on electromagnets by superimposing coils of wires wrapped on an iron core
Samule Finley Breese Morse
Invented the morse code
Gustav Robert Kirchoff
Developed the laws that allow easy calculation of currents, voltages and resistance of electrical networks
Luigi Galvani
discovered animal electricity
the study of charges at rest.
electric charge
The fundamental entity in electrostatics
coulomb (C)
standard unit for charge
Electrification or charging
the process of producing an electrically charged object and may be done by friction (contact) and induction
Coulomb's LAw
It states that the force one charge exerts on another is directly proportional to the magnitudes of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
materials that permit electric charges to move easily within them
materials that permit electric charges to move much less readily