My Rival's House

Cards (19)

  • " My Rival's House is peopled with many surfaces"
  • "cushions so stiff you can't sink in"
  • "Tables polished clear enough to see distortions in"
  • "We take our shoes off at her door, shuffle stocking soled, tiptoe"
  • "Silver sugar-tongs and silver salver"
  • "I am all edges, a surface, a shell"
  • "But what squirms beneath her surface I can tell"
  • "capped tooth, polished nail"
  • "fight foul for her survival"
  • "thank her nicely for each bitter cup"
  • "Deferential, daughterly, I sip"
  • "This son she bore"
  • "never, never can escape scot free the sour potluck of family"
  • "And oh how close this family that furnishes my rival's place"
  • "Lady of the house. Queen bee."
  • "She is far more unconscious, far more dangerous than me."
  • "I was always my own worst enemy. She has taken even this from me."
  • "salt tears pepper our soup."
  • "She won't give up."