
Cards (28)

  • Def (n.): a large group of people or things of a particular kind; gang 
    • “A ___ of track runners dashed past us.”
  • Def (v.): inundate with a large number of requests or complaints; overwhelm
    • “According to several sources, a great number of users ___ Grindr during the Republican Convention.”
  • Def (v.): crowd around oppressively; surround and harass.
    • “A mob of fans ___ the celebrity.”
  • Def (adj.): not to be relied upon; suspect; suspicious 
    • “Do not tell Aurora your secret, she is ___ and sly.”
  • Def (adj.): hesitating or doubting; unsure; suspicious 
    • “My mom was ___ before allowing me to go out.”
  • Def (v.): hold out (something) to someone for acceptance; offer; present 
    • “She ran into her mother’s ___ arms.”
  • Def (adj.): (of a child) having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual.
    • “Grace is a ___ child who memorized her alphabet at the age of two.”
  • Def (adj.): (of behavior or ability) indicative of early development.
    • “His criminal activity is ___, so he still has a chance to redeem himself.”
  • Def (adj.): complicated and difficult to understand 
    • “I could not follow along with the ___ lesson.”
  • Def (v.): drive, force, or urge (someone) to do something.
    • “His failing grades ___ him to go work harder.”
  • Def (v.): drive forward; propel.
    • “Her circumstances ___ her.”
  • Def (adj.): serious, boring, and slightly old-fashioned.
    • “The ___ TV show tried to appeal younger audiences by including a gossip section.”
  • Def (n.): the state or condition of being equal, especially regarding status or pay.
    • “My mom divided the house chores with ___ among my brothers and my sisters.”
  • Def (adj.): (especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed; expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words 
    • “My admission counselor advised me to keep my extracurriculars section’s descriptions ___.”
  • Def (v.): perceive or recognize (something); distinguish (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses.
    • “I ___ the taste of Wendy’s fries from a pile of 20 brands.”
  • Def (adj.): (of a gift or sum of money) larger or more generous than is usual or necessary. 
    • “My boyfriend gave me ___ gifts, among these was a new car.”
  • Def (v.): think deeply about something; contemplate 
    • “While trying to fall asleep, I ___ on all the things I say during the day.”
  • Def (adj.): marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry; express opinions loudly 
    • “Walter was a ___ student who always spoke against his teacher’s lack of parity.”
  • Def (adj.): primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.
    • “Kiara is a ___ who would do anything to get what she wants.”
  • Def (adv.): in a brief and clearly expressed manner; in a way that  expresses what needs to be said clearly and without unnecessary words 
    • “He ended the paragraph ___, which impressed his teacher.”
  • Def (adj.): showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence; fearful 
    • “The ___ child’s eyes darted to his sister as he heard a loud bang.”
  • Def (adj.): severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance.
    • “The ___ teacher warned the class that missing assignments would result in an infraction.”
  • Def (adj.): having an extremely plain and simple style or appearance; unadorned.
    • “I told my realtor that I am looking for an ___ apartment–the antithesis of swanky.”
  • Def (adj.): (of living conditions or a way of life) having no comforts or luxuries; harsh or ascetic.
    • “We have an ___ lifestyle, but we allow ourselves small luxuries for the holidays.”
  • Def (n.): special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.
    • “I learned all Yale ___ before applying.”
  • Def (v.): restrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion).
    • “I ___ the tears from running down my cheeks.”
  • Def (v.): prevent or constrain (an activity or idea).
    • “The high cost of tuition ___ students from applying.”
  • Def (v.): make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate
    • “The modicum of space in her apartment ___ her every night.”