
Cards (12)

  • DNA can be processed by:
    • making copies of sample using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
    • cutting DNA into smaller lengths via restriction enzymes
    • separating DNA lengths via gel electrophoresis to produce a DNA profile
    • determining the sequence of nucleotides or their bases using Sanger’s method
  • Polymerase chain reaction:
    • enabled small number of DNA to be replicatedtestable amounts produced to use in analysis techniques
    • mimics natural process of DNA replication occurring prior to cell division
    • involves the steps of denaturing, annealing and extension
  • Denaturation:
    • enzyme helicase separates the two DNA strands
    • PCR uses heat to achieve same function
    • 94-96 degrees heat are used to break the hydrogen bonds
  • Annealing:
    • temperature decreased to 50-60 degrees
    • primers (short DNA strands) will bind to the single DNA strands
  • Extension: (elongation)
    • DNA polymerase used to join new, complementary nucleotides to sections originating with the primers
    • heat-stable DNA polymerase used to minimise number of enzymes used
    • phase carried out at Taq polymerase’s optimmal temperature of 68-72 degrees
  • Gel electrophoresis:
    • technique that separates DNA strands based on their lengths
    • banding pattern created is an individual’s DNA profile
    • DNA ladder used to determine the length of the DNA strands
    • ethidium bromide (carcinogen)
    • used to make DNA visible under UV light
  • DNA sequencing:
    (placing ‘ingredients’ to create a new DNA strand into a vessel to determine the specific base sequence of DNA)
    • when DNA forms:
    • each nucleotide loses two phosphate groups
    • sugar molecule loses a hydrogen atom from the hydroxy group when bonding to phosphate group
  • Ethical consideration with genetic information:
    • autonomy - respect for the right to be self-determining
    • confidentiality - genetic information is treated sensitively
    • equity - right to fair and equal treatment regardless
    • privacy - right to make decisions alone
  • comparative genomics - comparison of genome sequences of different species as all organisms use the same DNA code
  • Endogenous retroviruses: (ERVs)
    (’non-functional ‘DNA that is a viral sequence, their genetic information is stored as RNA)
    • retrovirus copies its RNA genome into DNA via reverse transcription
    • DNA inserted into one of the host cell’s chromosomes
    • only becomes endogenous if the chromosome its inserted in gamete
    • all subsequent generations will have copy of ERV at same location
  • mtDNA:
    • only inherited from egg
    • higher mutation rate than nuclear DNA
    • amount of mutation is roughly proportional to the amount of time passed
  • Protein sequences:
    • comparison of type and sequence of amino acids in similar proteins allows the degree of similarity to be establishment
    • animals of the same species have identical amino acid sequences in their proteins
    • different species have either different amino acids or are arranged in a different order
    • degree of difference allows an estimate of the amount of evolution take place