nitrogen cmpds

Cards (14)

  • ammonia is not an amine
  • N atom in amines are sp3 hyb
  • teitiary mines do not intermolecular H bonds
  • secondary amine less polar than primary thus have weaker pdpd
  • amines have higher bl than alkanes of similar e cloud size (idid vs h bonds)
  • amines lower bp than alcohols of sim s cloud size
    N atom less e- neg than O atom, N-H bond less polar than O-H bond, thus N-H to N hydrogen bond weaker than O-H to O hydrogen bond
  • amine basicity depends on availability of lp e- on N atom to form dative covalent bond, with a proton
    any factor that increases e- density on N atom increases basicity of amine, vice versa
  • amine: protonation amides: hydrolysis
  • hydrolysis of amide: (cleave co nh) c=o portion add oh, n-h portion add H
    c=o products depend on medium (basic/acidic)
    n-h pdt same
  • amides are neutral
    orbital containing lp e- on N atom overlaps w pi e cloud of adjacent c=o bond, lp e- delocalised, not avail for coordination with proton
  • zwitterion
    electrically neutral molecule w opp charged ends
  • amino acids are less acidic than most CA, less basic than most amines
  • n no. of a.a form n-1 peptide bonds
  • drawing peptides
    N terminal with free NH3+ on LEFT
    C terminal with free COO- on RIGHT