the gradualchanges in an individuals physical, social,emotional and intellectualstates and abilities.
a state of completephysical,social and mental wellbeing and not merely the abse of disease and infirmity
Social development examples
Form new relationships
Learning to communicate
Learning to behave appropriately
Emotional Development
Developing self-esteem and self-concept
Learning to control emotions
Learning to understand the emotions of others
Intellectual Development
Recognising and remembering objects, words and events
Establishing and expanding vocabulary
Understanding concrete and abstract concepts
Developing the ability to think logically and use reason
Primary Sexual Characteristics
Characteristics that develop during puberty that are related to the development of sex organs and the reproductive system of males and females enabling them to reproduce
Secondary Sexual Characteristics
Characteristics that develop during puberty that indicate sexual maturity but are not related to a person's ability to reproduce.
Secondary Sexual Characteristics Examples Male
Voice breaking and deepening
Hair growing on face and body hair increasing
Body becoming more muscular
appearance of pubic and under arm hair
Secondary Sexual Characteristics Examples Female
Breast development
Widening of hips and thighs
Appearance on pubic and underarm hair
The point at which the sperm penetrates the ovum to form new life