module 7

Cards (4)

  • Bacteria are the smallest known cells.
    These tiny organisms live almost
  • The following are some characteristics of
    -no nucleus
    -circular DNA shaped like a twisted rubber
    -no membrane-covered (or membrane-
    bound) organelles
    -a cell wall outside the cell membrane and
    with a capsule
    -a flagellum (plural, flagella), a tail-like
    structure that some bacteria use to help
    them move.
  • Archaea
    -They live in places where no
    other organisms could live
    (extreme/harsh conditions) such
    as boiling water or hot spring,
    volcanic vents, salty water.
  • Archaea
    - (singular, archaeon) and
    bacteria share the following
    - no nucleus
    -no membrane-bound organelles
    - circular DNA
    -a cell wall