Beginnings of Nursing

Cards (25)

  • Latin words for nursing “Nutrix”, “Nutrica”, “Nutrire”
  • “Nutrire” – to suckle referring to a wet nurse (who helps a mother who is unable to feed her baby
  • Anglo-French ”Nurice” (to nourish, nurture, to nurse)
  • Nursing - caring for the sick, the injured and the physically, mentally and emotionally disabled.
  • Nursing - caring and epitomizes the ideals of a profession that is holistic in approach and grounded in unwavering service to mankind.
  • Latin word for patients “patiens” –means to suffer or to bear.
  • Patient - an individual in the state of physical, mental and emotional imbalance.
  • Patient - An individual who seeks nursing assistance and care; undergoing medical treatment
  • Art of Nursing - intentional creative use of oneself, based upon skill and expertise, to transmit emotion and meaning to another.
  • The ART OF NURSING is a process that is subjective and requires interpretation, sensitivity, imagination, active and creative participation and application of knowledge, or know how.
  • Florence Nightingale was the first to coin the phrase, the Art of Nursing.
  • Florence Nightingale - She understood that Nursing is a profession in which physical tasks must be adapted into individualized patient care, making Nursing an educated art form.
  • Empathy and compassion are at the forefront of what makes Nursing an art.
  • Empathy - the ability to feel the emotions of others.
  • Nurses must be able to empathize with patients to facilitate a strong Nurse-patient relationship to promote healing.
  • Compassion - the ability to feel the emotions of others while experiencing a desire to help.
  • The Science of Nursing is having a reason behind our actions and an understanding that our interventions improve the outcomes and health condition of patients.
  • "Nurses are scientists" (Jonathan Steele of Water Cures).
  • Nursing Framework: Assessment, Diagnosis, & Treatment
  • Nursing students must pass science courses:
    • anatomy and physiology
    • pharmacology
    • chemistry
    • microbiology
    • behavioral sciences
    • psychology and sociology
  • Nursing is a calling in which members profess altruism and a commitment and conviction to serve and care for individuals, sick and well.
  • Evidence-based practice - collects, processes, and implements research findings into clinical practice and improves patient outcomes.
  • Science of Nursing is having a reason behind our actions and an understanding that our interventions improve the outcomes and health condition of patients.
  • Nursing science forms the scientific basis for professional nursing practice.
  • Profession - an occupation that necessitates considerable, specialized knowledge, competence, and training.