Latin words for nursing “Nutrix”, “Nutrica”, “Nutrire”
“Nutrire” – to suckle referring to a wet nurse (who helps a mother who is unable to feed her baby
Anglo-French ”Nurice” (to nourish, nurture, to nurse)
Nursing - caring for the sick, the injured and the physically, mentally and emotionally disabled.
Nursing - caring and epitomizes the ideals of a profession that is holistic in approach and grounded in unwavering service to mankind.
Latin word for patients “patiens” –means to suffer or to bear.
Patient - an individual in the state of physical, mental and emotional imbalance.
Patient - An individual who seeks nursing assistance and care; undergoing medical treatment
Art of Nursing - intentional creative use of oneself, based upon skill and expertise, to transmit emotion and meaning to another.
The ART OF NURSING is a process that is subjective and requires interpretation, sensitivity, imagination, active and creative participation and application of knowledge, or know how.
Florence Nightingale was the first to coin the phrase, the Art of Nursing.
Florence Nightingale - She understood that Nursing is a profession in which physical tasks must be adapted into individualized patient care, making Nursing an educated art form.
Empathy and compassion are at the forefront of what makes Nursing an art.
Empathy - the ability to feel the emotions of others.
Nurses must be able to empathize with patients to facilitate a strong Nurse-patient relationship to promote healing.
Compassion - the ability to feel the emotions of others while experiencing a desire to help.
The Science of Nursing is having a reason behind our actions and an understanding that our interventions improve the outcomes and health condition of patients.
"Nurses are scientists" (Jonathan Steele of Water Cures).
Nursing is a calling in which members profess altruism and a commitment and conviction to serve and care for individuals, sick and well.
Evidence-based practice - collects, processes, and implements research findings into clinical practice and improves patient outcomes.
ScienceofNursing is having a reason behind our actions and an understanding that our interventions improve the outcomes and health condition of patients.
Nursing science forms the scientific basis for professional nursing practice.
Profession - an occupation that necessitates considerable, specialized knowledge, competence, and training.