Important Knowledge

Cards (40)

  • In chapter 1, it is 2001 and we later find out Amir must be in his late 30s
  • In chapter 2, Amir is a young child born in 1963 (now it is the 70s)
  • When Amir leaves Afghanistan, he is 18
  • In America, Amir's job is as a student, then an author
  • When he returns to Afghanistan, Amir is in his mid 30s
  • Baba's house is located in the Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul
  • Baba's ethnicity is pashtun
  • Baba's wife died during childbirth and his friend is Rahim Khan
  • Baba dies of cancer and the last custom he fulfils before he dies is attending Amir's engagement
  • Baba flees to Afghanistan to protect Amir and offer him a better life after the Russian invasion
  • Baba's attitude to his first doctor is that he won't be treated by a Russian
  • Ali came to work for Baba as Baba's father was the judge in the case against young men who killed Ali's parents in a car crash, and he adopted Ali.
  • Ali's ethnicity is hazara
  • Ali's wife left, having given birth to a son
  • Ali leaves Baba as Amir is fighting with Hassan. Ali goes to Hazarajat
  • Hassan is a child in chapter 2, we are told he was born in 1964 and chapter 2 is in the 70s.
  • Hassan is in his mid 30s when he dies
  • Hassan is looking after Baba's house to protect it from the Taliban
  • Hassan is married to Farzana and his son is called Sohrab
  • Hassan's mother is called Sanaubar and she left after giving birth to him and returns when he is in Hazarajat
  • Hassan's attitude to Amir's writing is impressed and encouraging. He can not read and write as he is not entitled to an education.
  • Hassan defends Amir when they are under attack from Assed when playing - he threatens Assef with a slingshot
  • Assef's ethnicity is Pashtun
  • Assef sexually assaults Hassan because he wants revenge for Hassan defeating him earlier (racism)
  • Baba's attitude to Assef is one of admiration at Amir's party
  • Assef becomes a leading Talib when we see him in the second half of the novel
  • 3 women in the novel: Soraya, Sanaubar, Farzana
  • Before Soraya met Amir, she left home and moved in with a drug dealing boyfriend
  • 5 things banned by the Taliban:
    • Kite flying
    • Beardlessness
    • Lamb?
    • Cheering at football matches
    • Women talking loudly
  • At orphanages under the Taliban, children are starving and freezing in old factories
  • Football matches under the Taliban consist of:
    • no cheering
    • Talibs with whips
    • Talibs with Kalashnikovs
    • Sermons and executions at half time
  • In this novel, an atrocity/massacre committed by the Taliban is the killing of at least 10,000 Hazara people in Mazar-i-Sharif
  • Sohrab is at the Taliban house as he has been bought from an orphanage to be abused
  • The Taliban house is in the Wazir Akbar Khan district and the Talib that turns out to have Sohrab is Assef
  • Sohrab rescues Amir by taking out Assef's eye with the slingshot
  • While he is waiting to get into America, Sohrab might have to go in to an orphanage
  • On discovering the fact that he might have to go into an orphanage, Sohrab's immediate reaction is to attempt suicide
  • Sohrab's long term reaction to finding out he might have to go into an orphanage is to become mute
  • Sohrab half smiles when flying a kite at the very end of the novel
  • Sohrab's name comes from the ancient Persian text Shahnameh