Cards (4)

  • Cells
    The basic structures of all living organisms.
  • Organism
    A contiguous living system that can metabolize, grow, and adapt.
    • Unicellular - organism that consists of one cell
    • Multicellular - organism made up of many cells
    • Microscopic Organism - cannot be seen by the human eye without the use of microscope
    • Macroscopic Organism - can be seen by the plain human eye
  • Microscope
    Instrument used to magnify a tiny object.
    • Cellula - small compartment
    • Micrographia - detailed handbook on microscopy
    • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek - scientist who studied the cateria, blood cell, and protoists
  • Discovery of the Cell
    • Matthias Jakob Schleiden - a professor of botany in Germany who stated that all plants are composed of cells
    • Theodor Schwann - a professor of physiology at the University of Belgium who stated that animals are composed of cells