Cards (5)

  • Structure of the Cell Membrane
    The cell membrane is a fluid of mosaic lipids and proteins. Being fluid indicates that the membrane "flows like water", and mosaic means that it is heterogenous in its appearance.
  • Phospholipid
    Contains a phosphate group in its head
    • is an amphipathic molecule meaning that it has a hydrophilic head that gets attracted by water and a hydrophobic tail which gets repelled.
  • Saturation
    The higher the saturation, the less space there is for phospholipids to move, thus making the cell membrane less fluid.
  • Unsaturated Phospholipids
    Introduce kinks, which free up some space in the membrane making the cell membrane more fluid.
  • Presence of Cholesterol
    Effect of cholesterol on fluidity depends on temperature.
    • At low temperatures, cholesterol prevents phospholipids from packing closely , thus increasing fluidity.
    • At high temperatures, cholesterol prevents them from scattering away, thus decreasing fluidity.