Many consumers prefer to buy their food all in one place, for example, a supermarket to save time and effort. Online food shopping is popular and useful for busy working people, people without transport, elderly and disabled people.
What to look for when buying food?
Cleanliness of the shop
How well is the food displayed? E.g: is it priced clearly, easy to reach, labelled well, are raw foods kept separate from cook foods
is the food packaging undamaged if damaged it could be a food safety risk
Is the food stored at the correct temperature
Food safety and hygiene practices of food handlers to avoid cross contamination e.g. do they use tongues or wear gloves when handling high risk foods, is there hair covered/tied back
use by date for high-risk food,
best before date for low risk foods e.g. canned foods
What to look for in food safety when online shopping
is the food delivered in good condition and at the right temperature for chilled/frozen food
Is the delivery exactly what the consumer ordered or has the supermarket used any substitute products and if so are they suitable
Should their food stocks so that they sell the oldest food first before they go out of date
What to look for when buying fresh fish?
Bright eyes, firm flesh and scales, moist skin, red gills and fresh smell
What to look for when buying fresh vegetables
good colour, not wilted or damaged, no mould, firm and crisp, smooth skin, not too much soil