Cards (8)

  • What is one feature of OCD that 90% of people suffer from?
    obsessions- thoughts that recur over and over again. 
    an example is worries of being contiminated by dirt and germs. 
  • what are coping startergeis to deal with obsessions?
    This may help manage anxiety but can make the person appear abnormal to others and can distract them from everyday tasks
  • What are the two components to compulsive behaviours?
    1.compulsions are repetitive-compelled to repeat a behaviour
    2.compulsions reduce anxiety-compulsive behaviours are performed in an attempt to manage the anxiety produced by compulsions.
  • How does OCD cause anxiety and distress?
    obsessive thoughts are unpleasant and frightening, so the anxiety that goes with them can be overwhelming. 
    urge to repeat a behaviour( compulsion) creates anxiety
  • What is a cognitive characteristic of OCD?
    obsessions-intrusive thoughts,recurring over again. 
    coping stratergies eg praying
    selective attention towards anxiety
  • What is an emotional characteristic of OCD?
    characterised by anxiety-irrational fear(repeating helps manage anxiety)
    also express depression-compulsions only bring temporary relief
    irrational guilt,disgust
  • What is a behavioural characteristic of OCD?
    compulsions-compelled to repeat a behaviour and reduce anxiety.
  • How does avoidance link with OCD?
    avoid situations that trigger OCD- reduce anxiety
    used to try and manage the disorder. 
    eg sufferers who wash their hands compulsively may avoid coming to terms with germs.