Def (n.): a metal or plastic tube fixed tightly around each end of a shoelace.
“I used my left shoe’s ___ to unlock the door.”
Def (adj.): not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.
“Vivie’s ___ nature often got her in trouble.”
Def (v.): restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult.
“The heavy dress ___ Abigail from walking through the crowd”
Def (v.): (of sums of money or benefits) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.
“Her latest post ___ her new followers.”
Def (n.): money paid for work or a service; pay, wages
“Daniela received a great ___ for her work.”
Def (adj.): involving or serving as an aid to learning, discovery, or problem-solving by experimental and especially trial-and-error methods
"This ___ course teaches students to experiment than to study.”
Def (v.): lift or haul (a heavy thing) with great effort.
“They ___ the couch to see if the toy was underneath.”
Def (v.): produce (a sigh).
“He ___ after hearing the disappointing news.”
Def (v.): move or run somewhere suddenly or rapidly.
“Michelle ___ to her father’s room to give him the news that she got into Princeton.”
Def (v.): select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition).
“He ___ his neighbor’s book collection over the summer.”
Def (v.): to select (the best or most appropriate) especially for presentation, distribution, or publication
I ___ the most important points for my oral presentation.”
Def (adj.): (of a part of a person's body) soft, loose, and fleshy
“His granddaughter jumped on top of his ___ belly.”
Def (v.): remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation); to correct, amend
“The teacher ___ the mistake she made last class.”
Def (adj.): (of weather or a period of time) characterized by strong winds.
“The ___ weather prevented me from going out.”
Def (adj.): (of a wind) blowing in strong gusts; stormy
“The ___ winds at the beach dragged out of the water.”
Def (v.): turn or slide violently or uncontrollably in a particular direction.
“The golf cart ___ to the right on the snow.”
Def (n.): a large number
“I was annoyed by the ___ of questions my best friend asked me.”
Def (n.): an artifice or trick in war for deceiving and outwitting the enemy; a ruse used to entrap, outwit, circumvent, or surprise an opponent or enemy
“He resorted to ___ to win the race.”
Def (n.): a deliberate desire to behave in an unreasonable or unacceptable way; contrariness.
“His ___ annoyed the class and prevented them from moving forward.”
Def (n.): the quality of being contrary to accepted standards or practice.
“She reacted to the situation with ___, surprising her entire family.”
Def (n.): a structure, typically of two uprights and a crosspiece, for the hanging of criminals.
“The accused witch stood on the ___ as the town’s probing eyes darted on her.”
Def (n.): an open space surrounded by woods
“I studied at the ___.”
Def (v.): go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract.
“My father told me we would go for ice cream, but on the day of, he ___.”
Def (adj.): inquiring closely into something; searching.
“His ___ eyes analyzed the woman from head to toes.”
Def (adj.): physically exploring or examining.
“His ___ fingers traced her skin.”
Def (adj.): dirty and disheveled; soiled and stained by or as if by trailing in mud
“She darted to the bathroom to fix her ___ appearance.”