behavioural therapy designed to gradually decrease phobia anxiety through classical conditioning
if person can learn to relax in presence of stimulus theyll be cured
counterconditioning: new response to phobia is learnt
1st process of systematic desensitisation:
construction of anxiety hierarchy - list of words related to stimulus in order from least to most frightening e.g picture of spider, holding a tarantula
2nd process of systematic desensitisation:
client is taught techniques e.g breathing exercises, mental imagery, meditation. alternative = use of drugs e.g valium
reciprocal inhibition: impossible to feel afraid and relaxed at same time, one emotion prevents another
3rd process of systematic desensitisation:
exposure to phobia stimulus
exposed when in a relaxed state, starting at bottom of hierarchy to top when client can stay relaxed in presence of lower levels of stimulus
behavioural therapy involving immediate exposure to phobia stimulus
extinction = learned response is extinguished when conditioned stimulus is encountered without unconditioned stimulus
effects of flooding:
may experience exhaustion - body cannot maintain high levels of arousal for long period of time
parasympathetic branch of the ANS returns or client may have a heart attack
ETHICS: client must provide informed consent prior to traumatic procedure
EVALUATION: effectiveness of systematic desensitisation
gilroy et al - followed 42 people who had sd for arachnophobia (3x 45 mins) - at both 3 and 33 months, sd group were less fearful than control group treated with relaxation and no exposure
wechsler et al - sd is effective for specific, social and agoraphobia
sd is helpful for people with phobias
EVALUATION: flooding is cost effective
therapy = clincally effective if its clinically effective (tackles symptoms) and isnt expensive
can work in 1 session opposed to other e.g cbt or sd -even allowing for a longer session makes flooding more cost effective
more people can be treated at same cost with flooding rather than with sd or other therapies
EVALUATION: flooding is traumatic
confronting phobia in extreme form provokes extreme anxiety - ethical issues e.g knowingly causing stress. not big issue if obtained with informed consent
traumatic nature means attrition (dropout) rates are higher than sd - serious impact on effectiveness if not fully engaged
therapists may avoid using treatment
EVALUATION: symptom substitution (makes symptoms, dont tackle underlying issues)
if symptoms removed cause still remains and symptoms will resurface in other forms
child dealing with bereavement can display anxiety about death onto something more tangible and easy to deal with e.g fear leaving house - real source of anxiety needs to be treated not displaced
most say phobias come out of conditioning - lack of focus on causes can be problematic and limiting of behavioural therapies