caregiver infant interactions

Cards (12)

  • Attachment is a close two way bond between two indiviudals.
  • The two types of interactions are reciprocity and interactional synchrony.
    • babies have meaningful social interactions with carers
    • these are important for social development and are associated with successful developments of attachments
  • Reciprocity is when things are exchanged between people for a mutual benefit
    • both individuals smile, laugh, point and respond
  • Alert phases: babies signal that theyre ready for interaction
    • mothers typically pick up on this 2/3 of time (Feldman and Eidelman)
    • becomes more frequent from 3 months
  • Active involvement: babies and carers take an active role in starting interactions and take turns
    • Brazelton et al described this as a dance
  • Interactional synchrony: two or more people acting simultaneously
    • reflect actions and emotions in a coordinated way
  • Isabella et al:
    • assessed 30 mother and babies and degree of interactional synchrony
    • researchers assessed quality of attachment
    • high levels of synchrony = better quality attachment
  • Meltzoff and Moore:
    • observed interactional synchrony in infants
    • adult displayed 1 of 3 gestures (mouth open, tongue out, pouty face)
    • baby's response was filmed and labelled by observers
    • expressions and gestures were more likely to be cause of reflection than chance
  • EVALUATION: filmed observations in labs
    • distractions are controlled and unlikely to change behaviour when filmed - behaviour is natural
    • observations can be recorded and analysed later - can rewatch, making data reliable
    • filming improves quality of research - data is reliable and valid
  • EVALUATION: difficulty in observing and interpreting behaviour
    • babies lack coordination and most of body is immobile - small hand movements or change in expression
    • difficult to determine what is happening from baby's perspective - dont know whether hand twitch is random or triggered
    • cant be certain that behaviours in interactions have special meaning
  • EVALUATION: doesnt tell us developmental importance
    • Isabella et al - interactional synchrony predicted development of good attachment - hasnt always been replicated
    • Feldman - synchrony gives name to patterns of observable baby-caregiver behaviours - doesnt tell us purpose
    • cant be certain from research alone that reciprocity and synchrony are important for development