animal studies

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  • animal studies:
    • studies on non human animal species rather than on humans due to ethical/practical reasons
    • looks at the bond between non human parents + their offspring - helps understand human behaviour
  • lorenz's geese:
    • randomly divided large clutch of goose eggs
    • half hatched with mother goose + half in incubator (first moving object was Lorenz)
  • Lorenz's geese findings:
    • imprinted on whoever they saw first upon hatching - would follow mother goose or lorenz
    • lorenz identified critical period: time where the first strong attachment must occur - depending on species they dont attach if its missed
  • sexual imprinting:
    • relationship between imprinting + adult mate preferences - birds that imprinted on human often display courtship towards humans
    • Lorenz - peacock reared into reptile house of zoo, saw giant tortoises when attached - adult peacock only direct courtship to giant tortoises
  • EVALUATION: generalisability from birds to animals
    • attachment in birds different from animals - mammals dont imprint as theyre less developed
    • mammal mothers show more attachment + caring role - differences in attachments among animals
    • not appropriate to generalise Lorenz's ideas to humans
  • EVALUATION: questionable observations
    • Guilton et al - chickens imprinted on yellow washing up gloves + tried to mate - later learned to mate with chickens
    • Lorenz suggested imprinting was permanent, conflict regarding observations
    • permanence of imprinting -based attachment challenged by counter research
  • love:
    • maternal bond between mother and child
  • harlow:
    • began to investigate nature of bond through 16 monkeys and surrogate mother made of wire or wood covered with cloth
  • Harlow's procedure:
    • condition 1- wire mother dispenses milk
    • conditon 2 - cloth heated mother
  • Harlow's findings:
    • monkeys preferred cloth over wire monkey - ran for protection and comfort no matter which one provided food
    • conclusion: comfort is more important than food
  • maternal deprivation:
    • studied monkeys deprived of a real mother in adulthood
  • impact of maternal deprivation:
    • aggressive + antisocial
    • autistic like behaviour
    • unable to mate normally
    • neglected, attacked or killed young
  • Harlow's critical period:
    • 90 days
  • EVALUATION: theoretical value when applied to real life parenting
    • profound effect on understanding human infant attachment
    • Harlow - showed close contact enables attachment not just nursing + importance of quality of early attachment for later social development
    • Harlow's research has been helpful in attachment analysis
  • EVALUATION: practical value
    • Howe - research was helpful for social workers understanding risk factors in child neglect + abuse
    • practical implications for animals - understand importance of attachment figures in zoos for baby monkeys + breeding programmes
    • can use research to have a positive impact on society
  • EVALUATION: ethical issues
    • monkeys faced suffering - considered human like, suggests suffering couldve been human like
    • harlow knew about potential suffering - named wire monkey -iron maiden' after medieval torture device + isolation tanks 'pits of despair'
    • argument that importance of findings outweigh ethical issues - but problematic to ignore levels of suffering