learning theory

Cards (11)

  • behaviourist approach:
    • behaviour is learned, measured + studied
    • classical + operant conditioning
    • mental processes + introspection are irrelevant
  • Dollard + Miller:
    • used behaviourist approach to explain attachments found
    • infants learn to love the person that feeds them 'cupboard love'
  • classical conditioning + attachment:
    • ucs = food, ucr = happy baby
    • ns = mother + ucs (food) = ucr happy baby
    • cs = mother, cs = happy baby
  • classical conditioning + attachment explained:
    • caregiver turns from ns to cs through learned behaviour
    • infant associates mother with food
  • operant conditioning + attachment:
    • baby crying
    • infant receives positive reinforcement = food
    • caregiver receives negative reinforcement = crying stops
  • Sears et al:
    • attachment is secondary drive
    • primary drive = innate biological drive
  • Sears et al theory:
    • hunger = primary drive
    • caregiver provides food, leads to associating hunger reduction with caregiver
    • attachment = secondary drive - association between caregiver and satisfaction of primary drive
  • EVALUATION: counter evidence from animal research
    • Lorenz - geese imprinted before they were fed, feeding not critical
    • Harlow - no support for importance of food, displayed attachment to cloth mother who didnt provide food
    • other factors other than food are important to formation of attachments
  • EVALUATION: counter evidence from human research
    • schaffer + emerson - infants formed primary attachments to biological mother despite other caregivers feeding baby
    • food isnt main factor in formation of human attachments
    • cupboard love isnt always evident in attachment, creates conflicts in conclusions drawn from different human studies
  • EVALUATION: other factors in forming attachments
    • research suggests quality of attachment associated with reciprocity + interactional synchrony (Isabella)
    • if attachment is primary result of feeding, there would be no reason for complex interactions
    • cupboard love isnt a complete answer to how attachments are made
  • EVALUATION: new developments in social learning theory
    • Hay +Vespo - parents teach children to love by modelling attachment behaviours e.g hugging - reinforce through praise
    • development of previous learning theories of attachment - doesnt rely on cupboard love
    • shows social learning theory doesnt rely on cupboard love, can be seen as a convincing explanation