bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation

Cards (13)

  • maternal deprivation:
    • emotional + intellectual consequences of separation
    • continuous mother care is essential for psychological development
    • prolonged separation causes serious damage to childs intellectual and emotional development
  • separation:
    • infant not being in presence of primary attachment figure
  • deprivation:
    • loss of emotional care (even if mother is present) -brief separation is normal + doesnt harm infant
    • usually with substitute caregiver who provides emotional care
    • when separation becomes extended + child doesnt receive care it turns into deprivation
  • intellectual development:
    • bowlby believed maternal deprivation during critical period would result in delayed intellectual development - low IQ
  • goldfarb:
    • 30 orphans, 1/2 fostered by 4 months, 1/2 in institution
    • institutionalised children had lower IQ than fostered
    • age 12 IQ scores assessed - fostered = 98, institution = 68 - below the cut off point used to define intellectual disability
  • emotional development:
    • Bowlby - maternal deprivation can result in affectionless psychopathy - inability to experience guilt/strong emotions
    • prevents individuals from forming normal relationships + associated with criminality
    • characterised by lack of affection, guilt/remorse + lack of empathy for others
  • 44 thieves study:
    • 44 criminal teenagers accused of stealing - interviewed for signs of affectionless psychopathy
    • families interviewed - establish whether they have prolonged early separations from mothers
    • control group = non criminal but emotionally disturbed young people - see how maternal deprivation occurred in people who lacked criminality
  • 44 thieves findings:
    • 14/44 = affectionless psychopaths
    • 12/14 (86%) = experienced separation in first 2 years
    • 5 (17%) of remaining 30 = experienced separations
    • 2 (4%) of 44 (control group) - experienced separations
  • 44 thieves conclusion:
    • prolonged early separation/ deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy
  • EVALUATION: flawed evidence
    • Bowlby - carried out family interviews + assessments for AP - open to bias, knows what teenagers would show signs of psychopathy
    • Goldfarb's research - CVs, children experienced trauma, institutional care, separation
    • original sources of evidence for maternal deprivation have serious flaws, not accepted as appropriate evidence now
  • EVALUATION: limited explanation
    • Rutter -2 types of negative early experiences (deprivation + privation) - deprivation = loss of caregiver after attachment, privation = failure to form attachment
    • orphans + thieves may have been prived instead of deprived
    • long term damage associated with deprivation is actually result of privation
  • EVALUATION: critical vs sensitive periods:
    • bowlby used critical period, believed separation affected development within 2 1/2 years - damage isnt inevitable if there is good quality after care (Koluchova)
    • twin boys - severe emotional + physical abuse from 18 months to 7, received good after care + by teens fully recovered
    • critical period may be a sensitive period, lasting harm isnt inevitable even in cases of severe privation
  • EVALUATION: some research support:
    • levy et al - separating baby rats from mother for as little as day had permanent effect on social development
    • gao et al - partially supported bowlby - poor quality maternal care associated with high rates of psychopathy in adults
    • bowlby relied on flawed evidence, some modern evidence supports his ideas